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Applied Mathematics Department Colloquium - John K. Hunter

Event Description:
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Nonlinear surface plasmons

Surface plasmons (SPs) are electromagnetic surface waves that propagate on the interface between an insulator and a conductor, such as air and gold. At short wavelengths, the frequency of SPs approaches a nonzero constant independent of their wavenumber, and we consider the effect of nonlinearity on SPs in this nondispersive limit. We show that the amplitude of weakly nonlinear SPs satisfies a cubically nonlinear, nonlocal asymptotic equation.
We discuss the existence of smooth and weak solutions of this equation, and the effects of nonlinearity on the focusing and possible formation of singularities in SPs.

This is joint work with Ryan Halabi.
Location Information:
1111 Engineering DR
Boulder, CO
Contact Information:
Name: Ian Cunningham
Phone: 303-492-4668
Email: amassist@colorado.edu