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Department Colloquium - Will Kleiber and Jim Meiss

Will Kleiber

The challenge of creating historical weather products for the United States

Abstract: Historical gridded weather products are critical components in climate, hydrologic and ecologic applications.A large numberof historical gridded data products exist, but many of these do not adequately account for varioussources of uncertainty. We discuss statistical aspects of creating such estimates based on observational data and relevant techniques needed for a comprehensive product.

Jim Meiss

Dynamical Systems and Applied Mathematics at CU Boulder

I will discuss some of the areas of research of the faculty of the Department of Applied mathematics that are related to dynamical systems. A dynamical system is a “rule for evolution on a set of states”; essentially anything in which change is important. The theory of dynamics was born in the era of Poincare, but became much more exciting in the era of computers with the discovery of chaos by Lorenz and the realization that the geometry of most systems is fractal. I will discuss how these concepts impact our understanding of the meaning of determinism and of computability, and how chaos can be used in prediction, control, and design of dynamical systems.