Nonlinear Waves Seminar: Rich Pawlowicz
Propagation and nonlinear oblique interactions in oceanic internal waves (and very shallow-water surface gravity waves)
Date and time:Ìý
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - 4:30pm
ECOT 226
When waves are large, their speed starts to depend on their amplitude.So what happens when large waves cross, and amplitudes add together? Motivated by some observations of oblique interactions between nonlinear ocean internal waves Ìýover scales of kilometers, obtained Ìýwith aerial time-lapse photography, I then spent Ìýmany hours in the swash zone of a sandy beach looking at nonlinear interactions in Ìýsurface waves over scales of a few meters. By doing so I have developed a classification scheme for the different kinds of interactions that can occur, including non-steady Mach stem interactions.