Hip-Hop as Sacred Medicine?
"Hip-Hop as Sacred Medicine?: Thoughts on Boujee Natives, Indigenous Rap Music, and NdN Popular Culture"
A talkby Kyle Mays, University of California, Los Angeles
Indigenous rap music remains a voice for Indigenous millennials and generation zers. But what are the limits of this mode of expression? This talkconcerns the pitfalls and possibilities of Indigenous Hip-Hop as a form of NdN popular culture. Using lyrics and videos, and considering the current state of affairs, this talk offers thoughts on the state of Indigenous Hip-Hop and where it might be going in the future.
This presentation is part of “,” a series of events in March that explore the music, politics, performance, and pedagogy of Hip-Hop.
The event took place on Wednesday, March 3rdat 6:00 MST online. The event recording is presented below.