- In celebration of the College of Music's centennial year, Thomas Riis, Joseph Negler emeritus professor of music who directed of the AMRC from 1992-2018, has written, Music at the University of Colorado: A Brief History.
- It is with sadness and a deep sense of personal loss that I share the news of the death of William K. Kearns last Thursday, March 12, at his retirement community in Pinole, California, where he had lived since 2015.
- Professor Jacqueline Avila--a musicologist who works with film music and the intersections of cultural identity, tradition, and modernity in the Hollywood and Mexican film industries--will present, "Sombra's Soundscape: Music, Silence, and Nostalgia in Alonso Ruizpalacios's Güeros (2014)."
- On the third floor of Norlin Library, tucked away from studying students, four cardboard boxes filled with weathered manila envelopes contain sheet music, scribbled with 100 years’-worth of annotations from past owners.
- With special collections ranging from colonial era tunebooks and pirate radio to silent film scores and big band works, the American Music Research Center (AMRC) creates an experience far beyond serving as a research center jointly held by the College of Music and the University Libraries.
- Former Director of the AMRC and Professor Emeritus Thomas Riis and College of Music students reflect on the first 100 years of music at CU Boulder and what the next century could hold as the college celebrates its Centennial.
- The American Music Research Center will host Dr. Daniel Party, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, on Monday, February 2 to present his work on "The uses of Víctor Jara in Chilean Social Movements (2009-
- Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal invites article submissions for a themed issue that explores the way that music, musicians, music-making, and listening are impacted by the construction, maintenance, and/or policing of borders.
- An annual, peer-reviewed journal published with the University of Nebraska Press, Americas takes its view of American music broadly, including the diverse soundscapes within the United States as well as the wider Americas, including the Caribbean.
- Pro Musica Colorado Chamber Orchestra is presenting a concert program of “Diverse Voices,” on February 1st and 2nd in Denver and Boulder. In today’s era, classical music journalists, policy makers, and funders have been asking about diversity in classical music.