Talk, They Are Listening!

CU Parent Handbook

This handbook has been designed to help parents communicate with their students about alcohol and other drug use.Ìý

Click here to access the parent handbook.

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Handbook Boosters

Talking with your student consistently has been shown to help them make decisions about key aspects of college life, including alcohol and drug use. These handouts can help spark ideas for these conversations.

Booster 1: Communicating During Campus Visits
Visiting your student on campus can be a fun way to catch up with them and see what college life is like. It can also be an opportunity to talk to them about important issues. ÌýFind tips and strategies for communicating with your student about alcohol in this handout.


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Booster 2:ÌýCommunicating During Home VIsits
Having your student home to visit can be an exciting time to have a talk about their lives in college. Sometimes, alcohol can come up in your conversations. ÌýFind tips and resources for facilitating that discussion in this handout.


Enter the password: Booster2


Booster 3: CommunicatingÌýOver Phone and Email
Keep up the conversation with your student when communicating over the phone and email. ÌýFind resources highlighting goals of effective communication and offering suggestions on how to start a conversation in this handout.

Enter the password: Booster3