
I work on topics in cosmology, astroparticle physics, gravitational waves, galaxy evolution, massive black holes, and star formation. Most of my research is observational, lately focusing on precise measurements, both spectral and spatial, to study cosmology, gravity, and fundamental physics. I also work on dark matter and antimatter detection.
Selected Recent Publications:
Darling, J., et al. 2023, “An Updated Reference Frame for the Galactic Inner Parsec,” ApJ, 955, 117
Darling, J. 2022, “The Universe is Brighter in the Direction of Our Motion: Galaxy Counts and Fluxes are Consistent with the CMB Dipole,” ApJ, 931, L14
Darling, J. 2020, “Search for Axionic Dark Matter Using the Magnetar PSR J1745-2900,” PRL, 125, 121103
Darling, J., Truebenbach, A. E., & Paine, J. 2018, “Astrometric Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background,” ApJ, 861, 113