
W-207G (SPSC), D-135 (Duane)
Daniel Baker has experience in the analysis of large data sets from spacecraft at geostationary orbit and has been involved in missions to the Earth's deep magnetotail and comets, in the study of solar wind-magnetospheric energy coupling, and thoretical modeling of the possible role of heavy ions in the development of magnetotail instabilities. He is presently working on the problem of magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling and is applying space plasma physics to the study of astrophysical systems. Daniel Baker has devoted much of his recent research effort to understanding magnetospheric substorms and to show how these disturbances contribute to anomalies in the operation of near- earth spacecraft and has developed nonlinear (chaos) models of substorm processes. His present interests include the use of computer systems and networks to enhance the acquisition, dissemination, and display of spacecraft data.