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Learn How to Learn with Bloom's Taxonomy and Critical Thinking

Bloom’s Taxonomy represents the various categories of thinking you may engage in when you are a college student. There are many questions that you can ask yourself to check your learning and make sure you are understanding content in a deep way. When you have a complete understanding of a concept, you will feel more confident and be more prepared when you are tested on the material, which will help you learn future content in your coursework.

Below, we provide a list of each of the categories of thinking along with questions you can ask yourself in each of the areas to check for your understanding. The first steps will be simple and help you consider your learning at the most foundational levels. As the article progresses, the steps will require more critical thinking and deepen your learning.


The first category is Remembering. Remembering is described as retrieving information from your memory.Some words that are frequently used to describe this type of learning are: recognize, recall or repeat. Questions that are common for this type of learning are: who, what, where and when questions. Often, flash cards are used to facilitate the memorization of the definitions of concepts.


The next category is Understanding. Understanding is described as being able to recall information but in your own words. When you fully understand a concept, you are able to describe it in your own words. Some words that are used to describe this type of learning are: summarize, paraphrase, interpret or explain. Questions that are common for this type of learning include: What is the main idea of the concept? Describe the concept. Explain in your own words.


The next category is called Apply. Application is described as being able to apply what you know to the new concept(s) you are learning. You can think about how you can apply new concepts to the real world. Some words that are used to describe this type of learning are asking for examples, clarification or illustration of a concept(s). Questions that are common for application include: Why is this concept significant? How is this an example of something in the real world? How does this relate to another concept you are learning?


The next category is Analyze. Analyzing is described as breaking down the concept into smaller parts. Some words that are used to describe this type of learning include: contrast, diagram, classify, examine or debate. Questions that are common for analyzing include: What are the parts of this concept? How would you break this concept into smaller parts? Where does the concept come from? Create a way to make connections between ideas and concepts in all of your classes.


The next category is Evaluate. Evaluation is where judgments and/or decisions are based on criteria. Some words that are used to describe this type of learning include: critique, revise, predict, rank, assess and conclude. Questions that are common for evaluation include: What is most important? Do you agree with this? Why? Provide evidence to support this concept. What assumptions are in this argument?


The final category is Create. Creating new ideas, arguments, content, platforms, systems, or models are when ideas are recombined into a coherent whole. some words that are used to describe this type of learning include: diagram, ideate, plan, design, compose and actualize. Questions that are common for creating include: What ideas can you add to this? What if this were true? What patterns can you find? How would you design this?

During your time in college, while remembering and memorization are important, they are simply the foundation to learning. To incorporate deeper levels of learning and knowing, choose a concept you are learning about in class and see if you can remember the definition (remember), demonstrate your understanding (understanding), give some examples of the concept and apply it to the real world (application), and break it down into smaller components (analyze). This will help you determine how much you know, and how much you may still need to learn.

Adapted from: 1) David R. Krathwohl (2002) A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview, Theory Into Practice, 41:4, 212-218; and 2) Staff, TeachThought. “25 Question Stems Framed Around Bloom’s Taxonomy.” TeachThought. N.p., 15 Nov. 2015. Web.