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English department administrator interviewed in LA Review of Books

English department administrator interviewed in LA Review of Books


Grant Souders

Grant Souders is not just the face you see as you step into the office of the English department in Hellems Arts & Sciences. He is also an accomplished poet, whose debut collection, (Tupelo Press, 2017), has been receiving some well-deserved attention.

“I sort of think of a book of poems as — maybe among other things — an album of music. A record. And sometimes you want to jump right into it and have this banger, [laughs] or something that picks up the energy. And I feel like “Naked” had that. It had a lot of things. I also thought of it as, like, Jacob wrestling the angel after the sermon, like the idea of wrestling with this idea of sincerity, or the spiritual, or the transcendental, or you know, the sort of malaprop of “The trees could care less.”