Meet our 2019-22 alumni teams

The four 2019-22 teams participated in the pilot of the ASSETT innovation incubator. Their team projects and individual contributions throughout the three-year experimental cycle helped to shape the incubator into the successful program that it is today!
The CAMPP (Collective to Advance Mutlimodal Participatory Publishing) team investigated opportunities to establish a peer-to-peer support environment for faculty and students by creating a multimodal publishing collective that produces projects that meet academic standards and are open and accessible to the community at large.
Team Members: Amanda McAndrew (ASSETT), Sara Myers (ASSETT), Rachael Deagman (ENGL), Jay Ellis (PWR), Nicole Jobin (Sewell RAP), Suzanne Magnanini (FRIT), Beth Osnes (THDN), Caroline Sinkinson (LIBR), Alexis Block (Student Intern), Elise Rosado (Student Intern), Rob Balsewich (Student Intern)
The Inclusive Data Science team integrates data science methods and tools across the curriculum via a new team-taught introduction to data science, Inclusive Interdisciplinary Data Science For All (IIDS4A), that weaves together the teaching of statistical reasoning, basic coding, and humanistic forms of inquiry.
Team Members: Michael Schneider (ASSETT), Jane Garrity (ENGL), David Glimp (ENGL), Vilja Hulden (HIST), Brett Melbourne (EBIO), Eric Vance (APPM), Ellie Lindrooth (Student Intern), Mika Mildenberger (Student Intern), Tyler Fansler (Student Intern)
The Metacognition + Well-Being team developed resources and learning objects that encourage students' awareness and understanding of their thought processes and learning strategies, as well as their mental, emotional, and physical well-being, including mindfulness and contemplative practices.泭
Team Members: Karen Crouch (ASSETT), Becca Ciancanelli (CTL), June Gruber (PSYC), Young Kyung Min (PWR), Galina Siergiejczyk Nicoll, (GSLL/GRAP), Shane Oshetski (SASC)
The Student Success team is exploring how they can generate meaningful opportunities for students, both inside and outside the classroom. The team focuses on exploring authentic learning through gamification, specifically Reacting to the Past pedagogy.
Team Members: Jacie Moriyama (ASSETT), Michaele Ferguson (PSCI), Catherine Kunce (PWR), David Paradis (HIST)