Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Discover your calling. Make an impact. Create community.
Accelerate your career options. Start the journey.

In this class, through lecture, “lab,” and film clips, you will learn how to research societies’ problems and create innovative solutions through forming a venture. You will gain understanding of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and how to contribute to solving our society’s biggest problems. You will acquire skill in how to “pitch,” which means how to tell a meaningful story about your venture in a succinct way. You will learn to use business principles to organize, create and manage an enterprise to achieve social change.

Social Innovation is a vehicle for understanding and creating social change. Most of today’s innovative social solutions cut across the boundaries separating nonprofits, government, and for-profit businesses. You will gain fluency in design thinking which involves interviewing and incorporating the insights from your customer or end user. Through your Social Innovation Project (SIP) you will gain proficiency in story telling (persuasive communication), and innovation skills.

Approved for arts & sciences ged ed curriculum: distribution social sciences

3 credit hours