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Spring 2022 BFA Officers Elections - Call for Nominations

Hellems building and the Flatirons

Spring 2022 BFA Officer Elections

The following seats will be up for election in April, and will be voted on at the April 28 Assembly meeting via Qualtrics. These seats are open to any BFA Assembly representatives. Nominations will run from March 28 through April 13. Please see the call for nominations by BFA Secretary Adam Norris for complete details. These seats are for one 3-year term. In addition to serving on the Executive Committee , the duties for these seats are as follows:

  • BFA Vice Chair - The Vice Chair will assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in the case of absence or incapacity. In addition, the duties of the Vice Chair include but are not limited to the following: 1. serve on the Bylaws Committee; 2. publish updates to the Bylaws and/or Standing Rules approved by the Assembly; 3. welcome new chairs of standing committees and explain their role in the Assembly and on the Executive Committee; 4. meet on a regular basis with the chairs of the standing committees of the Assembly; and 5. convey the charge and convene the first meeting of any ad-hoc committee or task force that is formed by the Executive Committee.
  • BFA Secretary - The Secretary will chair the Nominations & Elections Committee. In addition, the duties of the Secretary include but are not limited to the following: 1. serve on the Bylaws Committee; 2. provide the chairs of standing and special committees with a list of the members of said committees; 3. assist the BFA Coordinator in updating the Assembly Roster; 4. welcome new BFA representatives and explain their role in the Assembly; and 5. welcome new BFA standing committee members and explain their role on said committees.

Please submit via e-mail your nomination packets to the BFA Secretary Adam Norris: bfa@colorado.edu, by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 13. Nomination packets should include the following:

  • confirmation (separate e–mail is fine) that the nominee is willing to serve;
  • the name of the nominator (or list as self-nomination - always welcome!);
  • a personal statement from the nominee that will help BFA members understand why they are running and what the Assembly might want to know about them;
  • an e–mail header containing the phrase "BFA Officer Elections";


The list of nominees will be posted on the BFA Election webpage along with their personal statements.  BFA Representatives will be asked to cast their vote via Qualtrics on Thursday, April 28, 2022 before 5pm. Results will be announced at the Assembly meeting.