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Approvers added to the campus budget journal approval process

The Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning (BFP) audits campus (excluding A&S depts) general and auxiliary fund budget journals for approval in the finance system. General fund budget is spending authority, a budget journal entry (BJE) is used to create budget transactions that increase or decrease the budget within a speedtype to denote an exchange of funding. Auxiliary fund budgets are plans for expected revenues and expenses, a budget journal is used to enter and adjust budget plans in a speedtype.

To develop greater support for Boulder campus fiscal staff, BFP has added additional approvers for the campus budget journal approval process. Beginning September 2022, budget journal entry approvers Adrian Padilla-Crisostomo, Hanna Webster, Jeanette Gaydos and Jan Baker will be on a rotating weekly schedule. For budget journal entry approval questions, please email BFP@colorado.edu and they will be forwarded to the appropriate analyst.