BFP_Announcement /bfp/ en Review the latest updates about the Anaplan budget tool /bfp/2024/06/24/review-latest-updates-about-anaplan-budget-tool Review the latest updates about the Anaplan budget tool Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 11/01/2024 - 13:26 Categories: BFP_Announcement  

January compensation cycle planning is live in Anaplan

November 2024 Update

The January compensation cycle went live in Anaplan on October 15 to review and plan Academic Faculty, Research Faculty, and University Staff compensation adjustments effective January 1, 2025. Rosters will be due in Anaplan by December 6. 

Visit the to access training videos, step-by-step guides, export templates and additional resources. Visit the Employee Compensation FAQs site to review approved compensation decisions and merit eligibility criteria.

Please reach out to the Anaplan Support Team, Office of Human Resources, or Academic Affairs with questions:

January compensation cycle planning in Anaplan 

October 2024 Update

The campus-wide process for annual merit and compensation cycle planning will be planned and administered in the new cloud-based Anaplan tool for the January compensation cycle (adjustments effective January 1, 2025). This functionality will go live in Anaplan on October 15. For detailed information and a timeline of the January compensation cycle process, please visit the . 

January 1 compensation cycle transition to Anaplan

September 2024 Update

The campus-wide compensation cycle continues its transition into the Anaplan budget tool.

The FY25 classified staff compensation cycle process (adjustments effective July 1, 2024) was successfully completed in Anaplan, with budgets uploaded on July business. The FY25 compensation cycle for academic faculty, research faculty, and university staff (adjustments effective January 1, 2025) will also be completed in Anaplan.

Campus units are currently testing this functionality in Anaplan, which is scheduled to go live on October 15.

For more information on the January 1 compensation cycle process in Anaplan, please visit the or contact 

Anaplan launches new compensation cycle functionality

July 2024 Update

The Anaplan implementation project has launched a new compensation cycle functionality, starting with the classified staff cohort—compensation adjustments effective July 1. The unit review deadline for this cohort was on Friday, June 21. Other cohorts will be launched for the January 1, 2025 compensation cycle. Once fully launched, this new Anaplan functionality will greatly help to streamline HR and budgeting process flows for all compensation cycle employee populations. 

Anaplan budget passes May 31 FY25 July budget deadline

June 2024 Update

In a milestone for the Anaplan budget tool implementation project, campus units completed plans in Anaplan for their July FY25 continuing General Fund budget allocations. The budget planning deadline was May 31. Budget plans now enter a review and approval phase (June-July) and will be uploaded to the finance system by BFP on July business. For information on the budget tool, including current and future phases of the project, visit the webpage or contact

Anaplan budget tool continues FY25 July budget planning phase

May 2024 Update

Campus users are hard at work planning their July FY25 continuing General Fund budget allocations in the new Anaplan budget tool! July budget planning is due on May 31, to be followed by a review and approval period before FY25 budgets are uploaded in July. As a reminder, as we have now passed the April 19 freeze date in the budget tool, FY24 continuing General Fund budget journal entries will no longer be approved. 

Thank you to our campus partners for contributions to the Anaplan budget tool

April 2024 Update

The Anaplan budget tool core team would like to express its sincere thanks to the many individuals and groups who contributed to a successful Phase 1 go-live!

Anaplan budget tool implementation on track for live production

March 2024 Update

CU Boulder’s Anaplan budget tool went live on February 5! The core team onboarded campus users into a test environment and presented introductory live training sessions.

Anaplan budget tool go-live on track for Feb. 5

February 2024 Update

Phase 1 of the campus-wide Anaplan budget tool implementation is set to go live as scheduled on February 5! Phase 1 functionality focuses on initial FY25 budget planning for operating and personnel budgets on general fund, auxiliary and gift fund speedtypes. Visit the budget tool webpage to learn more.

Budget tool enters testing phase

January 2024 Update

The Anaplan budget tool implementation process has entered the testing phase, with members of the Core Team and Project Team starting to test Phase 1 budget planning functionalities within the tool. Phase 1 remains on track for go-live in February.

Governance structure for phase 1 of the Anaplan budget tool implementation

January 2024 Update

Learn more about the governance structure for phase 1 including the core team, project team, technical team, and project team subgroups. 

Recieve these updates and more by


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Fri, 01 Nov 2024 19:26:49 +0000 Anonymous 534 at /bfp
Update on FY25 budget uploads /bfp/2024/07/17/update-fy25-budget-uploads Update on FY25 budget uploads Jaclyn Lindabury Wed, 07/17/2024 - 10:22 Categories: BFP_Announcement
  • The FY25 initial General Fund continuing budget upload (C-ROLL) has been uploaded, dated July 1. This upload was exported from budget inputs in the Anaplan budget tool.
  • The General Fund temporary budget roll forward (T-ROLL) will be uploaded on August business. There is no change to the T-ROLL process from previous years.
  • FY25 initial temporary budget uploads on the General Fund, auxiliary funds, and gift funds are optional this year. BFP completed all requested initial temporary budget uploads on July business.
  • Classified cycle adjustments (compensation changes effective July 1, 2024): Campus units reviewed their classified staff rosters in Anaplan in June. BFP uploaded classified compensation increases to the General Fund continuing budget, dated July 1.

Please contact with questions on annual budget processes and with questions on the Anaplan budget tool.

For questions on classified compensation increases, please contact Campus HR or review these Employee Compensation FAQs.


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Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:22:07 +0000 Jaclyn Lindabury 542 at /bfp
Recommended practices for FY24 and FY25 JEs /bfp/2024/07/01/recommended-practices-fy24-and-fy25-jes Recommended practices for FY24 and FY25 JEs Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 07/01/2024 - 13:57 Categories: BFP_Announcement

As units continue to work on fiscal year-end, a reminder from BFP that FY24 temporary budget journals must be marked as period 12 only. FY24 temporary budget journals do not use the adjusting periods of 996 and 997 (though units may enter FY24 temporary budget journals during these periods). 

FY25 budget ledgers (temporary and continuing) are now available. BFP strongly recommends that units wait until the FY25 continuing General Fund budget upload (based on budget plans in Anaplan) is complete before submitting FY25 continuing budget journals. BFP expects to complete the FY25 continuing budget upload in mid-July. 

As units continue to work on fiscal year-end, a reminder from BFP that FY24 temporary budget journals must be marked as period 12 only.


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Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:57:51 +0000 Anonymous 535 at /bfp
Connectivity fee to be discontinued /bfp/2024/07/01/connectivity-fee-be-discontinued Connectivity fee to be discontinued Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 07/01/2024 - 10:50 Categories: BFP_Announcement “Common Good” approach to connectivity costs will take effect July 2024. The connectivity fee charged to auxiliary units by the Office of Information Technology will be discontinued. In its place, the existing general recharge rates will be increased to support connectivity expenses. window.location.href = `/bfp/connectivity-fee-be-discontinued`;


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Mon, 01 Jul 2024 16:50:04 +0000 Anonymous 536 at /bfp
Thank you to our campus partners for contributions to the Anaplan budget tool /bfp/2024/04/01/thank-you-our-campus-partners-contributions-anaplan-budget-tool Thank you to our campus partners for contributions to the Anaplan budget tool Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/01/2024 - 09:43 Categories: BFP_Announcement

We have officially implemented Phase 1 of the Anaplan budget tool and are live in the production environment.

Users are already working on the July budget process to strategically plan for FY25. Thank you for making the project a success and for your continued work in Phase 1. Having reached this milestone together, we’d like to take a moment to express our deep thanks to our campus partners for their contributions to the first phase of the tool:

  • To our core team with representation from BFP, VCAA and a school/college for their tireless efforts. This included biweekly vendor meetings, bimonthly stakeholder meetings and the ongoing creation of resources, videos and training materials for our campus end users. A special thank-you to Christy Edwards, from Leeds, who joined the core team for Phase 1 and provided invaluable insights and design recommendations from a unit perspective. 
  • To our project team members from schools, colleges and support units for providing valuable feedback during bimonthly meetings with the core team and for testing each of the end user pages to ensure accuracy.
  • To our subject matter expert subgroups for working with the core team as needed to contribute their expertise and suggestions on specific elements throughout the build with a focus on meeting campus-wide needs. 
  • To Mandy Cole and Danielle Brunner for their leadership and support from Finance and Business Strategy and Office of the Provost.  
  • To our campus stakeholders for requesting a common budgeting tool back in 2021 and taking the time to learn how to use an innovative technology.

While work is still underway to fully complete the Phase 1 requirements across campus, we are beginning to plan for Phase 2. 

Phase 2 will be focused on addressing campus-level needs and beginning work with units on specific requests. Due to the change in deliverables for this phase, the governance structure will also be changing:

  • The core team will consist of campus-level administrators; stakeholders will be brought in as subject matter experts for unit-level applications and design elements.  
  • While the project team won’t continue in Phase 2, stakeholders will have opportunities to provide feedback and join relevant subject matter expert subgroups during this phase. 

We look forward to completing the first round of July budgets in the tool.

As you work on the FY25 budget, please note any features that work well and potential areas for enhancement. We will use this to collect your feedback and identify opportunities for augmenting the tool for campus.  

As a reminder, the requirement for FY25 is to complete your starting (July) General Fund continuing budgets in the tool, replacing the C-Roll. This includes position budgeting for regular, merit-eligible employees on General Fund continuing budget. Other optional FY25 budgeting includes auxiliary fund (encouraged for units that are primarily auxiliary-based), gift fund (encouraged for units that are primarily gift fund-based), General Fund temporary budgeting and pooled labor.  

Please reach out to us with any questions and review the that contains FAQs, step-by-step guides and instructional videos.  

Budget Tool Core Team

The Anaplan budget tool core team would like to express its sincere thanks to the many individuals and groups who contributed to a successful Phase 1 go-live in early March!


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Mon, 01 Apr 2024 15:43:06 +0000 Anonymous 532 at /bfp
FY25 benefits change budget allocation now part of new C-Roll process in Anaplan budget tool /bfp/node/441 FY25 benefits change budget allocation now part of new C-Roll process in Anaplan budget tool Anonymous (not verified) Sat, 03/23/2024 - 00:00 Categories: BFP_Announcement

The FY25 benefits change budget allocation (also known as benefits increments and decrements) is now a part of the new C-Roll (continuing budget roll forward) process for planning General Fund continuing budget allocations to start FY25.

In past years, the C-ROLL and the benefits change budget allocation were separate processes. Both processes allocate initial General Fund continuing budget to start a new fiscal year. Starting in FY25, these processes will be unified into a single streamlined workflow within the Anaplan budget tool. For more information on the new C-ROLL process and this year's General Fund continuing budget change freeze in Anaplan, please see this announcement.

The benefits change budget allocation accounts for changes to fringe benefits rates from year to year, ensuring that salary and benefits budget amounts in General Fund speedtypes are aligned according to FY25 fringe benefits rates. See FY25 Planning Parameters for FY25 fringe rates, which have been officially submitted by CU Boulder but not yet approved by DHHS.

When working in the Anaplan budget tool, campus users will see a total FY25 General Fund budget allocation figure for their unit; this total incorporates both the C-ROLL allocation and benefits change budget allocation amounts into a single figure. Campus users will indicate their starting FY25 continuing General Fund budget plan in the budget tool, ensuring that their planned total budget matches the sum of the C-ROLL and the benefits change budget allocation.

For questions on the Anaplan budget tool, please reach out to


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Sat, 23 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 441 at /bfp
Anaplan budget tool implementation on track for live production /bfp/2024/03/01/anaplan-budget-tool-implementation-track-live-production Anaplan budget tool implementation on track for live production Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/01/2024 - 13:26 Categories: BFP_Announcement

CU Boulder’s Anaplan budget tool went live on February 5!

In February, the Core Team onboarded campus users into a test environment and presented introductory live training sessions. The budget tool is on schedule to launch the live production environment on March 4. Campus users can visit the budget tool webpage for more information and the for training resources.

CU Boulder’s Anaplan budget tool went live on February 5! In February, the Core Team onboarded campus users into a test environment and presented introductory live training sessions.


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Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:26:52 +0000 Anonymous 528 at /bfp
General Fund continuing budget change freeze in Anaplan /bfp/2024/02/27/general-fund-continuing-budget-change-freeze-anaplan General Fund continuing budget change freeze in Anaplan Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/27/2024 - 00:00 Categories: BFP_Announcement

April General Fund Continuing Budget Freeze Date in Anaplan

In prior years, BFP established a General Fund continuing budget cutoff date in mid-April to prepare for the following fiscal year’s C-ROLL (continuing budget roll forward).

Starting this year, the C-ROLL will now be prepared in the new Anaplan budget tool. Campus units will use the budget tool to plan their FY25 starting General Fund continuing budget at the speedtype and account code levels. General ledger data is currently flowing into the budget tool via a nightly automatic process, meaning that budget journal entries submitted to PeopleSoft and approved on the general ledger will automatically appear in Anaplan after the CIW nightly refresh.

On Friday, April 19, 2024, this nightly refresh will be paused. Campus units should therefore not submit any General Fund continuing budget journal entries starting on April 19. Continuing budget journal entries submitted after April 19 will be denied.

If you must submit a FY24 continuing General Fund budget change after April 19, the best practice is:

  • Submit as a FY24 temporary budget JE
  • Manually update desired FY25 changes to continuing General Fund budget in the budget tool. This will ensure that your unit's FY25 initial General Fund continuing budget allocation is correct.

FY25 starting General Fund continuing budget plans in Anaplan are due by Friday, May 31. After this date, a review and approval workflow will take place, and BFP will submit approved budget plans via journal entry into PeopleSoft, effective July 1 of FY25.

Please reach out to with any questions about the Anaplan budget tool and the FY25 budgeting process.


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Tue, 27 Feb 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 445 at /bfp
Details on the improved RBSA rate sheet /bfp/2024/01/08/details-improved-rbsa-rate-sheet Details on the improved RBSA rate sheet Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/08/2024 - 13:10 Categories: BFP_Announcement

RBSAs or rate-based service activities are defined as instances in which goods or services are provided at consistent rates based on units of sale (e.g., $100 per hour), in any volume or frequency, to customers internal or external to CU Boulder.

This year, the Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning (BFP) critically reviewed the current rate sheet, incorporating valuable feedback from colleagues in the Office of Contract and Grants, the Campus Controller's Office, and other RBSA partners.

Through this process, BFP created a new, simplified rate sheet and step-by-step instructions.

Why revise the rate sheet?

  • Time for a refresh: The rate sheet and rate sheet process have not been updated since the inception of the current RBSA process.
  • Lighten the load: The revamped rate sheet aims to reduce the administrative burden for RBSAs.
  • Feedback-fueled refinement: Valuable insights from RBSA PIs, activity managers, and finance staff fueled the beta testing and iterative development of the new rate sheet. 

What’s next?

RBSAs or rate-based service activities are defined as instances in which goods or services are provided at consistent rates based on units of sale (e.g., $100 per hour), in any volume or frequency, to customers internal or external to CU Boulder.


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Mon, 08 Jan 2024 20:10:09 +0000 Anonymous 525 at /bfp
FY24 Campus Info Card posted /bfp/2023/10/03/fy24-campus-info-card-posted FY24 Campus Info Card posted Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/03/2023 - 12:53 Categories: BFP_Announcement

The 2023-2024 Campus Info Card, also known as the Small Card, is now posted on BFP's website (click "Budget Overview" on the menu bar and then select the "Campus Info Card" tile).

Updated each fall, the Campus Info Card provides valuable campus-wide information on our campus budget, key rates (fringe benefits, ICR, GAIR, inflation), state appropriations, tuition and fees, student enrollment, employee headcounts, and more. Prior year Campus Info Card data can also be downloaded for reference.


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Tue, 03 Oct 2023 18:53:28 +0000 Anonymous 385 at /bfp