Vijay Khatri appointed Tandean Rustandy Endowed Dean of the Leeds School of Business

Provost Russell Moore today announced his appointment of Vijay Khatri as theTandeanRustandy Endowed Dean of the Leeds School of Business, effective July 1. Khatri will hold the first named endowed deanship at CU Boulder, supported by a $5 milliongift by Tandean Rustandy.
“Dr. Khatri demonstrates a deep and compelling understanding of the critical interrelationship between promoting a strong and welcoming culture and developing strong academic programs,” Moore said. “He articulates a vision that is truly consistent with Leeds’ focus on ethics and social responsibility.”
Khatri currently serves as the executive associate dean for strategy, innovation and technology at Indiana University Bloomington’s Kelley School of Business, where he spearheads Kelley’s strategic initiatives, integrates Kelley’s and the university’s global education initiatives, and spearheads innovations in schoolwide processes, including the underlying systems for those processes.