CU American Marketing Association


CUAMA is CU’s exclusive marketing club. Each week our meeting themes are different. Meetings include:

  • Social: Dinner out on Pearl or to a sporting event to get to know each other and relax.
  • Guest Speakers: Speakers from companies such as Chipotle come and talk about their role in Marketing.
  • Business Venture: Get to market our own product to raise money for the club and activities.

Benefits of Becoming a Member

College in general is a daunting task that requires time, effort, and diligence. At CUAMA, we do not want to complicate this matter, nor do we want to add stress to your life. Once your application has been submitted for review by the CUAMA Officer Team, one can relax in knowing that if you are accepted as a member of CUAMA, the rest of your time with us will be filled with:

  • Tangible marketing education through our Biz-Venture Project.
  • Real world scenarios and case analysis
  • Networking opportunities with top marketing professionals
  • Exciting social events
  • Mountain Retreats
  • Resume Builder

Application Process

Contact us for information about applying for our club.


Learn more about the CUAMA Club.




Contact us for more information about meeting times and location.
