Filling Africa’s Largest Hydropower Dam Should Consider Engineering Realities

M. Basheer, Wheeler, K.G., Elagib, N.A., Etichia, M., Zagona, E.A., Abdo, G.M., & Harou, J.J. (2020). “Filling Africa’s Largest Hydropower Dam Should Consider Engineering Realities,” One Earth, [Commentary] Volume 3, Issue 3, 18 September 2020, 277–281.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile River will double Ethiopia’s electricity generation and reduce the Nile flow to Sudan and Egypt during reservoir filling. We argue that multicountry negotiations over the initial filling and long-term operation of the GERD reservoir should not overlook key dam engineering features.


Keywords:Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam; RiverWare;Unilateral action; Coordination; Collaboration; Engineering constraints