Hydropower Simulation and Optimization with RiverWare
By Timothy M. Magee and Edith A. Zagona. Published in the Proceedings of Waterpower XIV, July 2005.
Abstract:Â RiverWare is a flexible river basin modeling tool with multiple solution approaches: simulation, rulebased simulation, and optimization (preemptive goal programming). The variety of solution approaches reflects alternative management approaches for controlling reservoir releases and hydropower generation. In addition to modeling hydropower and the economics of hydropower, RiverWare allows reservoir managers to interactively specify a wide variety of operating restrictions such as elevation limits, minimum flows, flood control, navigation, etc. An object oriented approach has allowed these policies to be separated from the details of the physical process modeling and the solution algorithms. We illustrate these capabilities with models developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the Army Corps of Engineers.