Finding a Career Path

person looking at a map

It may feel like there’s pressure to identify your career path and all the steps that will get you there. Careers are often not a linear process and can take many twists and turns along the way. Begin by identifying what you want to do in the near future and the steps needed to do that.

The following statements may describe how you’re feeling right now with career paths. Choose the statement that best describes how you feel. Then, choose one suggestion below the statement to complete in the next week.

(Example: I’m a psychology major and I know I don’t want to work as a therapist.)

  • While there’s no guarantee you’ll know if you like something before you start working in the field, there’s a lot you can do now to explore if it’s the right fit for you.
  • Research possible careers using tools such as. Read through the skills and tasks to see if you could see yourself doing those.
  • Conduct informational interviews with people who are working in the same jobs or industries that you are considering to get a better idea of what it's like to actually work in the field.
  • Look for internships or part-time jobs that are relevant to the career you’re considering in order to experience it yourself.
  • Use this to keep track of jobs and internships of interest.