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ITLSC AAS 2024 funding opportunities

Call for ITLSC Travel Awards and Graduate Student Paper Prize 2024

The ITLSC will be offering two funding opportunities and one graduate student paper prize in conjunction with the upcoming annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) held on March 14-17th, 2024 in Seattle, WA.

(1)   The ITLSC Graduate Student Travel Award:

●       It provides up to $500 in travel funds to assist a graduate student (conventionally an advanced doctoral student) presenting a paper on Indonesia or Timor-Leste at the conference. Applicants should submit: (a) a current CV; (b) information regarding any other financial support received for attending the conference; and (c) a brief description of their participation in the conference (e.g., presenting a paper, organizing a panel) (approximately 250 words) (d) their paper/panel abstract. All materials must be sent to no later than February 5, 2024.

●      Original receipts will be required for reimbursement after the conference. Standard AAS travel/grant policies apply when deciding on eligible travel expenses ().For students already receiving a travel grant from the AAS, receipts cannot be refunded twice.

(2)   ITLSC Fund for Scholars Traveling from Asia:

●       It provides up to $1000 to assist a scholar traveling from Indonesia or Timor-Leste to participate in the 2024 AAS conference. Applicants should submit (a) a current CV; (b) information regarding any other financial support received for attending the conference; and (c) a brief description of their participation in the conference (e.g., presenting a paper, organizing a panel, acting in other official capacity) (Approximately 250 words). All materials must be sent to indotimorleste@gmail.comno later than February 5, 2024.

●      Original receipts will be required for reimbursement. Standard AAS travel/grant policies apply when deciding on eligible travel expenses().  For scholars already receiving a grant from the AAS (e.g., LDC travel grant), receipts cannot be refunded twice.

(3) Graduate Student Paper Prize: Graduate students presenting at AAS 2024 may be eligible for the ITLSC Graduate Student Paper Prize.   

·       Eligibility criteria include:

• To have presented the paper at the AAS 2024 Conference in Seattle.

• To be a current graduate student, or to have completed the PhD within the last two years without currently holding a tenure track position (i.e., post-docs are eligible).

•      Your submission should be a revised version of the paper presented at the conference. Submissions should be 7-8,000 words.

•      In addition to formal recognition, the Prize includes a cash award of $250.

·      If you received graduate student travel funding for the AAS 2024 Conference, you are not eligible to apply for this prize.

•      Papers must be submitted to no later than April 1st, 2024.

Travel funding decisions will be made around early-February. Please direct any queries and requests for further information to indotimorleste@gmail.comǰ

We will announce the business meeting and reception schedules as the conference gets closer. We look forward to seeing you all in Seattle!  

Executive Board, ITLSC

Kikue Hamayotsu, Ph.D. (chair) 

Claire Marie Hefner, Ph.D. (secretary-general) 

Rebakah Daro Minarcheck, Ph.D. (Treasurer)