Bulletin Board /cas/ en Attend: Digital Humanities and the Intellectual History of al-Andalus /cas/2025/03/11/attend-digital-humanities-and-intellectual-history-al-andalus Attend: Digital Humanities and the Intellectual History of al-Andalus Elizabeth Williams Tue, 03/11/2025 - 14:55 Tags: Bulletin Board

Attend: Digital Humanities and the Intellectual History of al-Andalus (19 March noon: CU Boulder)

The & supporting units present 
Digital Humanities and the Intellectual History of al-Andalus
A talk by
Covadonga Baratech
(Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Middle East (ILC - CSIC))
What was the life expectancy of Andalusi scholars? What were the ten most common activities Andalusi scholars were involved in? In which century do we have the largest number of scholarly families? Where were they located? To which places did Andalusi scholars travel the most? A couple of decades ago, answering these questions would have taken weeks, even months to answer. However, thanks to databases like Prosopografía de Ulemas de al-Andalus (PUA) and programming languages like R, they are just a couple of lines of code away.
For this talk Covadonga Baratech provides an introduction to   Prosopografía de Ulemas de al-Andalus, the main database for scholars of Muslim Iberia.She will discuss its strengths as well as some areas for improvement and share some of the results obtained when combined with a programming language such as R. The goal is to encourage people to explore the possibilities of these tools and apply new methodologies in their research.
She also invites  people to think about data in new ways. How representative is the data we work with? Does it apply to most of the population? For example, analyzing PUA’s data we discover that the life expectancy of Andalusi scholars was 70,93 lunar years. However, we only know the life span of 1998 people or 17% of the dataset. Can we apply these findings to the rest of the scholars in the database? And what about the non-scholars of al-Andalus? What strategies can we use to make this data more fiable?
This talk will be of interest to scholars of Middle East and Islamic Studies, medievalists, historians of all places and periods, and any Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars interested in working with digital databases.
is a PhD student at the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean (CSIC). She is a member of the research project directed by M. Penelas and M. Fierro dealing with the migration of Andalusi and Maghribi scholars to other regions of the Islamic world (8th-15th centuries) and their intellectual and religious impact (PID2020-116680GB-I00). Her research focuses on the times of Saladin and the Ayyubids (1171-1260). She aims to study the intellectual exchanges between the Andalusi and Maghribi scholars and their Mashriqi colleagues. In particular, she intends to comprehend the spread of knowledge produced in the Maghrib into de Mashriq. Her main work areas are intellectual history, manuscript tradition and digital humanities.
Wednesday, 19 March • noon
Open to faculty, students, staff and members of the community
Please register in advance


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Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:55:07 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7829 at /cas
Inclusive Community of Practice (ICoP) meeting /cas/2025/03/11/inclusive-community-practice-icop-meeting Inclusive Community of Practice (ICoP) meeting Elizabeth Williams Tue, 03/11/2025 - 09:29 Tags: Bulletin Board
We would love to see you at our next Inclusive Community of Practice (ICoP) meeting from 3:30-4:30pm tomorrow, Wed., March 12, over Zoom (). This time, we're pleased to welcome the coordinators of the Teaching International Students (TIS) micro-credential and past participants in this program to discuss ways to better support international students.


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Tue, 11 Mar 2025 15:29:01 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7828 at /cas
Tokyo Denki University International Workshop 2025 /cas/2025/03/05/tokyo-denki-university-international-workshop-2025 Tokyo Denki University International Workshop 2025 Elizabeth Williams Wed, 03/05/2025 - 15:30 Tags: Bulletin Board


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Wed, 05 Mar 2025 22:30:21 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7822 at /cas
Nichibunken Programs to Stay in Japan /cas/2025/03/04/nichibunken-programs-stay-japan Nichibunken Programs to Stay in Japan Elizabeth Williams Tue, 03/04/2025 - 13:55 Tags: Bulletin Board

The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) opens its doors to the world by inviting many scholars from foreign countries. The three programs below will provide you with opportunities to spend time in residence at Nichibunken to advance your own research. We are looking forward to your application!

Visiting Research Scholars


·&Բ; Researchers who are not older than 65 years when the research period begins. Applicants should meet either one of the following criteria.

·&Բ;       (1) Researchers of any nationality employed by a foreign university or other foreign research institution in possession of a doctoral degree.

·&Բ;       (2) Those whom the Director-General deems to have qualifications or research ability equivalent to those in (1) above.

Period of Stay

·&Բ; Between 3 months to 12 months

Financial Support

·&Բ; - International air ticket: Round-trip discount economy-class airfare 
- Salary 
- Research allowance


JF-Nichibunken Fellowship Program


·&Բ; Post-doctoral researchers who have received their Ph.D. within six years.

Period of Stay

·&Բ; Up to 24 months

Financial Support

·&Բ; - International air ticket: Round-trip discount economy-class airfare 
- Stipend and other allowances


Nichibunken Academic Encouragement Award


·&Բ; Doctoral students recommended by overseas institutions holding academic exchange agreements with Nichibunken or International member institutions (Full member) of the Consortium for Global Japanese Studies.

Period of Stay

·&Բ; Up to 90 days

Financial Support

·&Բ; - International air ticket: Round-trip discount economy-class airfare 
- Accommodation and per diem allowances during your stay



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Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:55:51 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7821 at /cas
Sardar Patel Award 2024 - Call for Submissions /cas/2025/02/27/sardar-patel-award-2024-call-submissions Sardar Patel Award 2024 - Call for Submissions Elizabeth Williams Thu, 02/27/2025 - 08:28 Tags: Bulletin Board

The UCLA Center for India and South Asia announces the Sardar Patel Award for the best dissertation submitted at any American university on the subject of modern India in 2024. The amount of the award is $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars). Established in 1999, the Sardar Patel award is annually conferred by the Center for India and South Asia at UCLA. An endowment was created by funds donated by the Friends of the Sardar Patel Association provided to the UCLA Foundation. The award was created to honor the best doctoral dissertation on any aspect of modern India - social sciences, humanities, education, and fine arts - in any U.S. University or academic institution awarding the Ph.D. 

The award continues to this day, honoring the legacy of Sardar Patel. 1. The dissertation must be on any topic on Modern India (the dates of Modern India are defined as 1800 to the present). 2. The topic must fall within the following fields of study: History, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education or the Fine Arts. 3. Dissertations submitted for consideration for the 2024 prize will have been completed during the 2023-2024 academic year (September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024). In some cases, dissertations completed very close to these dates may also be considered. 4. The dissertation must have been written while enrolled at a U.S. accredited university in history, anthropology, sociology, literature, political science, or one of the other disciplines in the humanities, the arts, or the social sciences. 

Applicants must submit a PDF of the completed and filed dissertation. In addition, please send the following as PDF files: ONE copy of an abstract of 500---1000 words, ONE copy of your curriculum vitae, and the attached form filled by their dissertation supervisor or department chair attesting to the completion of the dissertation during the period stipulated in item #3. The deadline for submission of materials is Tuesday, April 1, 2025. All dissertations should be submitted online at:

For any inquiries regarding competition guidelines please contact Mohsen Mohammadi at mohammadi@ucla.edu 

Note: By submitting their dissertation for consideration, candidates also agree to have their dissertation abstract posted on the CISA and Sardar Patel Association websites. The winner will be expected to attend an award conferral ceremony in Los Angeles and is also expected to acknowledge the Sardar Patel Association in any publications related to the subject matter of the dissertation. 

Sardar Patel Born Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel in 1875 in the city of Nadiad, Sardar Patel was one of the three principal leaders of the Indian Nationalist Movement for freedom from British rule. After India attained freedom in August of 1947, Sardar Patel became Deputy Prime Minister of India, as well as Minister for Home, Princely States, Information and Broadcasting. Due to his stellar role in integrating 565 princely states and colonial provinces into the nascent Indian Union, he is remembered as the Architect of modern India. He died on December 15, 1950, in Mumbai. In his honor, a national memorial was created at the Moti Shahi Mahal, located in Ahmedabad in his home state of Gujarat.


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Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:28:36 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7817 at /cas
RMCIBER Faculty Grant Application 2025 /cas/2025/02/18/rmciber-faculty-grant-application-2025 RMCIBER Faculty Grant Application 2025 Elizabeth Williams Tue, 02/18/2025 - 11:19 Tags: Bulletin Board

The Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at University of Colorado Denver and Brigham Young University are pleased to invite you to submit applications for the Rocky Mountain CIBER 2025 Faculty Grant program. Faculty must be from institutions in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States (states include: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah) to qualify for this opportunity.

This grant program provides support for faculty research and course development, with priority around the following topics:

  • Business language teaching
  • Language for specific purposes
  • Less and least commonly taught languages
  • Course, research, and faculty development programs that advance global competitiveness
  • Research and program development that advances the fields of international business, international entrepreneurship, international marketing, international finance, international management, supply chain, logistics, and related fields
  • Development of new courses or course enhancements in the fields of international business, international entrepreneurship, international marketing, international finance, international management, supply chain, logistics, and related fields
  • Digital globalization and adding digital content to your existing international business courses
  • Regional trade blocks and agreements
  • Development of virtual international field studies, conferences, and meetings in international business

How to Apply

15-20 grants of $1,000 - $1,500 each will be awarded based on evaluation from a selection committee. Please note that in order to receive payment, you must complete the required payment forms as directed in your award notification email.

Complete applications are due by March 23, 2025, via the following link:

Please reach out to Kaela Kalabany at kaela.2.kalabany@ucdenver.edu with any questions.


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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:19:11 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7808 at /cas
Call for Proposals: Education Asia /cas/2025/02/18/call-proposals-education-about-asia Call for Proposals: Education Asia Elizabeth Williams Tue, 02/18/2025 - 11:15 Tags: Bulletin Board

Following a brief hiatus after the untimely passing of founding editor Lucien Ellington, Education Asia (EAA) is being relaunched as a biannual, open-access online journal.

Education Asia is an invaluable resource for teachers, students, and anyone with an interest in Asia. Articles and reviews cover a wide range of topics and time periods—from ancient to modern history, language, literature, geography, religion, youth and popular culture. Articles in EAA are intended to provide educators and academics in the humanities and social sciences with basic understanding of Asia-related content. Qualified referees evaluate all manuscripts submitted for consideration.

EAA is widely read by undergraduate and secondary school instructors, many of whom utilize articles from the journal as student readings. Over the past year, the online archives have received close to 900,000 pageviews, representing close to sixty percent of all traffic to the AAS website.

Manuscripts selected for publication should be written in prose that is accessible for high school and/or undergraduate instructors and students. Please consult the Author Guidelines before submitting a proposal, paying particular attention to Feature Article (3,000 to 4,000 words) and Teaching Resources Essay (2,000 to 3,000 words) word-count ranges. Authors who are unfamiliar with EAA should also read sample articles and essays that are archived at the same site.

As EAA relaunches online, we also welcome innovative proposals and ideas for multimedia content (video overviews, podcasts, interviews, etc.) with an emphasis on practical materials immediately applicable to classroom teaching and use.

Elise Huerta

Editor, Education Asia

Association for Asian Studies
825 Victors Way, #310
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108


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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:15:30 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7807 at /cas
Summer Institute 2025: Contemporary Asias Application /cas/2025/02/13/summer-institute-2025-contemporary-asias-application Summer Institute 2025: Contemporary Asias Application Elizabeth Williams Thu, 02/13/2025 - 09:16 Tags: Bulletin Board The East-West Center in Honolulu is offering a summer institute program on Contemporary Asias.Please see the link below for more information.The deadline for applications is March 5th. Contemporary Asias: Pluralities Beyond Areas is a 4-week Institute for college and university teachers and advanced graduate students on the East-West Center campus in Honolulu by the Asian Studies Development Program. This multidisciplinary program will explore recent changes in the production, structuring, and sharing of knowledge about Asian cultures and societies, and how these changes might foster knowledge communities that are more collaborative, responsive, and attuned to the pluralities of Asian experiences. Combining methodological reflections on area studies with context-rich engagement with key dimensions of societal and cultural transformation in contemporary Asia, the Institute will support forward-looking teaching and learning and next-generation digital humanities.


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Thu, 13 Feb 2025 16:16:38 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7804 at /cas
Learn and Practice like a Development Practitioner in India, CU Boulder Global Seminar /cas/2025/02/11/learn-and-practice-development-practitioner-india-cu-boulder-global-seminar Learn and Practice like a Development Practitioner in India, CU Boulder Global Seminar Elizabeth Williams Tue, 02/11/2025 - 09:04 Tags: Bulletin Board

Learn and practice like a development practitioner in India is available this June, 2025

Fieldwork in Social Justice and Development is a Global Seminar Course taught in Delhi, the Nilgiri Mountains and the French Colony of Pondicherry. Earn credit while exploring urban India and the countryside, engaging with local communities, practitioners, and activists on topics of conservation, social justice and development. Visit the Taj Mahal, Delhi, and the French colony of Pondicherry, and complete hands-on fieldwork while honing your intercultural skills. Students will earn 3 credits in 3 weeks. All students will be guaranteed a scholarship between $500-1000 for this course. 

Additional funding: Those with a Geography Major and Minor will receive around funding covering 1 week of their expenses, from the Geography Department. 

Learn more at the info session on Thursday, February 20 from 3:00- 5:00 PM in GUG 201E!

Feel free to direct any questions about the program to Taneesha Mohan at Taneesha.Mohan@colorado.edu. If you’d like to open an application or have questions about applying, finances, or scholarships, please reach out to globalseminars@colorado.edu. The application deadline is March 1, 2025

We hope to see you in India in Summer!


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Tue, 11 Feb 2025 16:04:54 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7803 at /cas
Opportunity for PhD students from Southeast Asia /cas/2025/02/07/opportunity-phd-students-southeast-asia Opportunity for PhD students from Southeast Asia Elizabeth Williams Fri, 02/07/2025 - 11:42 Tags: Bulletin Board

Full link:


May 30-31, 2025
Kathmandu, Nepal
Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

In partnership with the Japan Foundation, the Association for Asian Studies is pleased to announce a series of professionalization workshops for Southeast Asian scholars incorporating the study of Japan in their work and research. Funded by the Japan Foundation, “Framing the Study of Japan: Professionalization Workshops for Early Ph.D. Students in Southeast Asia” represents a unique training opportunity over a three-year period for Southeast Asian emerging scholars.

Beginning with the 2025 AAS-in-Asia conference in Kathmandu, the AAS will organize two-day pre-conference workshops for ten students in the early stages of their Ph.D. program. Each workshop will be led by two mentors providing professionalization support including, but not limited to, identifying a theoretical framework, conducting a literature review, encountering ethical questions, working with human subjects, developing a research design and methodology, presenting one’s research project, etc.

Year 1 meeting of the workshop series will take place May 30-31 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Year 2 will take place prior to the 2026 AAS-in-Asia conference (TBD), and Year 3 meeting will take place at the 2027 AAS Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. Continuation of participants in all three workshops is required.

To ensure effectiveness, participation is limited to 10 Southeast Asian students engaged in Japanese Studies. During the two-day workshop, time will be set aside for formal, structured seminars as well as informal meetings and discussions, group dinners, and social gatherings. We welcome students in any discipline, including humanities, social sciences, or language and cultural studies. Because the program is meant to support the academic study of Japan, we encourage applications from individuals at institutions with few resources in Japanese Studies.





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Fri, 07 Feb 2025 18:42:26 +0000 Elizabeth Williams 7801 at /cas