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12/13-12/14 National Metrolab 2017 Summit

National Metrolab Summit 2017

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Metrolab Network 

MetroLab Network includes 41 cities, 4 counties, and 55 universities, organized in more than 35 regional city-university partnerships. Partners focus on research, development, and deployment (RD&D) projects that offer technological and analytically-based solutions to challenges facing urban areas including: inequality in income, health, mobility, security and opportunity; aging infrastructure; and environmental sustainability and resiliency.

City-university partnerships are mutually-beneficial relationships in which the university is the city’s R&D department and the city is a test-bed. Faculty and students get access to real-life laboratories to test advanced approaches aimed at addressing city priorities and challenges. Cities, and their residents, benefit from technologies and policies that leverage digital and information technology, data analytics, sensing, and more.

Individually, city-university RD&D partnerships are beneficial and help drive innovative approaches in government. When networked together, they present an opportunity to scale effective solutions, accelerate best practices, and advance the understanding of urban science.


Tuesday, December 12th

Wednesday, December 13th

8:00 AM – Registration, Light Breakfast
8:30 AM – Welcome by Dr. GP “Bud” Peterson, President, Georgia Tech

8:45 AM – Welcome by Renata Rawlings-Goss, co-Executive Director, South Big Data Hub
9:00 AM – Mayor Pete Buttigieg, South Bend, Indiana
9:30 AM – Creating a Culture of Innovation Panel Discussion with Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Governor Martin O’Malley and Mayor Steve Goldsmith
10:30 AM – Break
10:45 AM – R&D Project Showcase
11:40 AM – The Human Services 360 Project: Supporting Next Generation Human Service
Infrastructure to Address Big Picture Questions
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Breakout Discussions

  • Engaging Students and Research Fellows
  • Citizen Engagement with Data and R&D Projects
  • Human Services 360: Technical Discussion

2:00 PM – Break
2:15 PM – Procuring Tech & Innovation
3:00 PM – R&D Project Showcase
4:00 PM – CIOs, CTOs, and CDOs, O My
5:00 PM – Closing Remarks
6:00 PM – Shuttle to Reception at the 

Thursday, December 14th

8:00 AM – Registration, Light Breakfast
8:30 AM – Fireside Chat on Global Innovation with Mayor Kasim Reed and Governor Martin O’Malley, Moderated by Gabe Klein

9:15 AM – Mark Wallace, Senior Vice President, Global Engineering and Sustainability at UPS
9:45 AM – MetroLab Network Governance
10:00 AM – Break
10:20 AM – R&D Project Showcase
11:15 AM – Privacy and Smart City Technologies
12:00 PM – Lunch

1:00 PM – Scaling the Array of Things
1:20 PM – “First, Do No Harm” – Applying Predictive Analytics to Human Services

2:20 PM – Break
2:30 PM – Breakout Sessions Part I

  • Future of Privacy Forum  Discussion: Privacy and Smart Cities 
  • Predictive Analytics for Child Welfare: Fundamental Principles
  • Environmental Sensing: Air Quality

3:30 PM – Break
4:00 PM – Breakout Sessions Part II

  • Future of Privacy Forum  Discussion: Privacy and Urban Instrumentation 
  • Predictive Analytics for Child Welfare: Fundamental Principles
  • Environmental Sensing: Urban Water

5:00 PM – Break

5:10 PM – Reconvene & Closing Discussion
5:15 PM – Program Concludes


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