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New Colorado pollinator license plate needs signatures

Want to see me and my friends on a new Colorado pollinator license plate?

Do you love bees and want to help them? You can make a difference by showing your support for a new Colorado pollinator license plate. 

This month the state legislature is considering a new special license plate that will support conservation efforts throughout the state to protect pollinators. The initiative will raise funding for work with state agencies, municipal governments and private landowners to protect and increase pollinator-friendly gardens, parks, open space, and highway margins across the state.  

One of the community engagements of Louise Chawla, a CEDaR fellow, is serving on the leadership committee of People and Pollinators Action Network, a statewide group that works for healthy ecosystems and biodiverse habitat for pollinators and the web of life of which they are an essential part.

"Not only are pollinators necessary for many of the crops that feed people, but they also sustain many of the wildflowers and flowering trees and shrubs on Colorado’s wildlands," she says.

But before the legislature can vote, the state needs to know that the public supports this new license plate, which means collecting 3,000 signatures from Colorado car owners. Please –it only takes about one minute–and share with your friends and networks.  You are not committing to get the plate when it is created—just endorsing the idea.