Director Bryan Doerries to discuss Theater of War project and modern interpretations of Greek Tragedies

°Õ³ó±ðÌýCenter for Western Civilization, Thought & PolicyÌýis hosting an event on Thursday, Jan. 31. DirectorÌýBrian Doerries will be conducting his talk, "The Theater of War, What ancient Greek Tragedies Can Teach Us Today."
Doerries lecture will cover material from his bookÌýThe Theater of War, What Ancient Greek Tragedies Can Teach Us Today. He will discuss howÌýthe power of tragedies transcend time and do so to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. As stated in Doerries book, "Stories can help us heal and possibly even change before it's too late." He will also discuss trauma beyond that associated with the conflict of war and will cover trauma relatedÌýto racial justice.
Brian Doerries is the co-founder and artistic director for Theater of War Productions.ÌýTheater of War Productions works with actors across many mediums to present dramatic readings from classic Greek tragedies. Each presentation is followed by an open discussion that tackles social issues that are confronted in the presentation. Productions are aimed atÌýservice members, veterans, caregivers, and families that are dealing with the personal effects of tragedy and war.ÌýIn 2017, Doerries was also named the current Public Artist in Residence for the City of New York. During his two-year residency, he will present 60 of his Theater of War Productions to people in all five of the city's boroughs.
Students, faculty, and members of the publicÌýare encouraged to attend the lecture.ÌýThe scheduled presentation will take place in Hale Science, room 270, beginning at 6:00 pm.ÌýThe discussion will be followed by a Q&A session and a small reception that will wrap around 8:00 pm.Ìý.