- February 21, 2017

Charlotte Roderiqueis a member of the Burns Paiute Tribe. She has worked and been involved with tribal issues, tribal causes, and tribal government for 49 years. Her education began at Chemawa Indian School, public school, and culminated with graduation from Chilocco Indian School, Chilocco, Oklahoma.
After graduating from high school, she entered a college prep program at the University of Denver. While attending the University, she followed the Native Militant Movement along with many Natives in the Denver area. Native rights have always been a motivator in her life. Her involvement with tribal issues started when she returned to Oregon and volunteered for the Burns Paiute Colony’s Business Committee, she interpreted many documents and worked with the committee to seek Federal Recognition, which was concluded in 1968–the Wada-tika Band of Northern Paiutes became the Burns Paiute Tribe. After tribal recognition, the tribe began work on establishing a land base and the Burns Paiute Reservation was secured in 1972. She worked in tribal administration for a number of years then moved 150 miles south and took a position with USPHS as a Substance Abuse/Mental Health Specialist, retiring after 23 years. She returned home after retirement and has served 6 years as a Tribal Council Member, Chair for the Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation, President of the NUMU Allotment Association, and numerous other native and community activities and organizations.
She is very committed to the preservation of “Mother Earth” and vocal on protection efforts for those who cannot speak for themselves—water, plants, wildlife, soils, and air—to name a few.
Charlotte enjoys the outdoors, gathering native foods and preparing them, and teaching through oral history the beliefs, legends, lifestyle, and spirituality. She has always shared tribal stories with her family, the Paiute language, traditional crafts, tribal values, and prayers.