- Professor Emeritus

Atlas 343
(Ph.D. Purdue University) teaches a wide range of courses thatÌýfocus primarily on poetic cinema and the poetics of cinema,Ìýdrawing on the aesthetic, cultural, and philosophical contexts ofÌýEuropean and Asian film. Some of his courses includeÌýTime, Memory,ÌýCinema, Cinema and Landscape, Cinema and the Poetics of Desire,ÌýCinema and Otherness, Cinema and Transgression, Cinema, Exile,ÌýNostalgia, and Cinema and Transcendence. He has also taughtÌýinterdisciplinary courses such as Film, Photography and Modernism,Ìýand classes on international directors (Bergman, Kieslowski,ÌýBresson, Antonioni, Bertolucci, and Kurosawa). He is the recipientÌýof the Marinus Smith Teaching Award.Ìý
Ganguly was chair of Film Studies from 2000 to 2005 and has alsoÌýserved as interim chair. He is an affiliate faculty member in theÌýHumanities Department.
ÌýGanguly is the author ofÌýSatyajit Ray: In Search of the ModernÌý(2000). His book on Adoor Gopalakrishnan, India's mostÌýdistinguished contemporary filmmaker, was published in 2015 byÌýAnthem Press, UK.ÌýHe has edited Stan Brakhage’s interviews for theÌýUniversity Press of Mississippi and the book was published inÌý2017. His critical essays have appeared inÌýSight and Sound, FilmÌýCriticism, East-West Film Journal, The Journal of CommonwealthÌýLiterature, South Asian Cinema Journal, and Asian Cinema.Ìý
His speaking engagements--by invitation--include the University ofÌýChicago, University of California at Berkeley, Yale University,ÌýNew York University, Temple University, the Museum of Fine Arts,ÌýHouston, and the Satyajit RayÌýFilm Institute. The Smithsonian has invited him multiple times, which included serving as moderator for retrospectives on Ray and GopalakrishnanÌýrespectively.
Ganguly created the Stan Brakhage Film Series--Celebrating Stan--in 2003 in memory of his close friend, colleague, and mentor. HeÌýserved as the director of the Brakhage Center from 2015-2020 and has beenÌýactively involved in presenting the filmmaker’s work in the US andÌýabroad. He was invited to curate the three-part Unknown BrakhageÌýshow at the Musée National d'Art Moderne in Paris in 2010 and again in 2018 to present Brakhage’s work. He has also spoken on Brakhage and curated shows at major venues in London, Rome, Lisbon, Berlin, Dublin,Ìý Vienna, and Mexico City.
Since 2003, Ganguly has been offering summer courses in Paris andÌýRome through the Study Abroad Programs at CU. These classes focusÌýon the relationships between film and art and allow students toÌýstudy the work of painters such as Caravaggio, Piero dellaÌýFrancesca, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir in relation to filmsÌýinspired by their art.Ìý
Originally from Calcutta, India, Ganguly studied at St. Xavier'sÌýCollege and Jadavpur University before coming to the US. His PhDÌýdissertation was an interdisciplinary study of the work ofÌýSatyajit Ray, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Virginia Woolf.
Invited to speak on Stan Brakhage and curate a show entitled Stan Brakhage: Home and World at the FilmKoop in Vienna.
The event was in collaboration with the Film Museum. The program focusedÌýon some of Brakhage’s self-portraits, drawing on films such as Dog Star Man, Confession and I…Dreaming, as well as work within a more public space, inspired by travel within and outside the US—Marilyn’s Window, Visions in Meditation, Part 2 (Mesa Verde), and Chartres Series.Ìý
Spoke on Stan Brakhage and curated a show at Spektrum, Berlin,Ìýon June 24, 2018.
Films screened includedÌýCat’s Cradle,ÌýWedlock House: An Intercourse, I…Dreaming,ÌýDog Star Man Part 2,ÌýMothlight, andÌýThe Persian Series.
Presented atÌýthe Museum of Modern Art (Centre Pompidou), Paris
Presentation in Rome, Italy:Ìý Stan Brakhage:ÌýImage, Rhythm, Vision - May 2017
Suranjan Ganguly was invited by the National Film Archives in Rome to speak on Brakhage and show his work at Cinema Trevi in May 2017. Some of the films screened includedÌýCat’s Cradle,ÌýWindow Water Baby Moving,ÌýDog Star Man PartÌý2,ÌýScenes From Under Childhood,ÌýSectionÌý1, Mothlight,ÌýThe Dante Quartet,ÌýandÌýYggdrasil Whose Roots Are Stars In The Human Mind.
Cinemateca Portuguesa in Lisbon, Portugal
Suranjan Ganguly wasÌýinvited by the Cinemateca Portuguesa in Lisbon, Portugal, to speak on Stan BrakhageÌýand show his work.
New Publication:Ìý Stan Brakhage Interviews - 2017
In this book, edited by Suranjan Ganguly and published by the University Press of Mississippi in March 2017, nine of Stan Brakhage’s most important interviews have been selected. Brakhage describes his conceptual frameworks, his theories of vision and sound, the importance of poetry, music, and the visual arts in relation to his work, his concept of the muse, and the key influences on his art-making. He discusses some of his iconic films, such asÌýAnticipation of the Night,ÌýDog Star Man,ÌýScenes from Under Childhood,ÌýMothlight, andÌýText of Light.Ìý See review inÌý