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'COMMplishments—March 2016

Bob Craig, Professor Emeritus, was recognized by Joe Rosse, Associate Vice Chancellor of Research Integrity and Compliance for his multi-year service on CU’s Institutional Review Board.

Lisa Flores, Associate Professor, was one of six speakers at the Gender & Citizenship Conference, hosted by Texas A&M Department of Communication in February. Her presentation was titled, “Citizen made Alien: Gender, Race, and Violence in the Politics of War”.

Lisa alsoanswered an important question for the Organization for Research on Women and Communication (ORWAC). This question was posed by Stephanie Hartzell, PhD student "What's your advice for emerging scholars from underrepresented backgrounds who are attempting to navigate the landscapes of academia in general and the discipline of communication in particular?"

Larry Frey, Professor, to the Central States Communication Association Hall of Fame.This is a career honor that recognizes scholarship and teaching/mentoring that have enhanced the discipline of communication in meaningful ways, benefitting countless students and colleagues, as well asrecognizing remarkable and continued service to the Central States Communication Association.

Larry was also akeynote speaker in the last week of February for Communication Week at Missouri State University.

Laurie Gries’ book, Still Life with Rhetoric: ANew Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics, won the 2016 CCCC (Conference on College Composition and Communication) Research Impact Award, which ispresented annually for theempirical research publicationin the previous two yearsthat most advances the mission of the organization or the needs of the profession.

Adam Lauver, PhD Student, and colleague Jeremy Make have had a chapter accepted for an upcoming volume on critical pedagogy and special populations, co-edited by Ahmet Atay and Diana Trebing and contracted to be published by Routledge. The tentative title of the chapter is "'The Big Words Swirled': Dialogue, Reciprocity, and Rigorous Pedagogy in a Prison Classroom.”

Adam has also had a paper proposal accepted to the 3rd Annual Conflict Conference, held April 8-9, 2016, at The University of Texas Austin. The paper is entitled, "Feeling Free to (Dis)agree: Negotiations of Sameness and Conflict Avoidance in Facilitated Dialogues Across Difference."

Rebecca Avalos, PhD Student, Ace Eckstein, MA Student, Lisa Flores, Associate Professor, Stephanie Hartzell, PhD Student, and Jamie Skerski, Instructor, presented a roundtable discussion at the WSCA Annual Convention entitled: “Collaboration Across Meta-Generations: Innovating Critical Pedagogy through Queer Mentoring.”