Undergraduate Students
Take a bold approach to your education!
At CMCI, you'll have opportunities to gain early career experience, take your education on the road, and earn scholarships and honors to celebrate your hard work.
Understanding Your Student Info
Identikey: The first two letters of your first name + the first two letters of your last name, and four letters.You will use this to log into your CU profile and access services like BuffPortal. Students must
Student ID #: A nine-digitnumber, different from the number on your BuffOneCard. It may start with 109.
This is the email that you are expected to use for all CU communication. This could take a couple of different forms: firstname.lastname@colorado.eduor youridentikey@colorado.edu.
Academic Coaching cultivates a steadfast partnership between coaches and students to support their individualized learning and growth process, contributing to a transformational student experience.Are you interested?
- Support students to develop critical thinking and academic skills.
- Challenge students to deepen their self-awareness.
- Encourage confidence in academics and self.
- Facilitate an iterative and actionable goal setting process.
- Trustand empower students to take ownership of their college and life journey.
Academic coaching is a complementary service to academic advising. Academic coaches work in collaboration with advisors to provide targeted support to students.
- Through a partnership with students, academic coaches help students develop critical thinking and academic skills, while facilitating agoal setting process to support student’s personal and academic development.
- Academic advisors help students navigate their education, create plans to maximize their academic programs, and support students from a holistic perspective.
News and Events
CMCI offers a variety of workshops and events throughout the year.
Featured CMCI Events

The College of Media, Communication and Information offers a number of automatic consideration merit scholarships for freshmen and over 25 scholarships for continuing students that require an application.
Prospective freshmen are automatically considered for CMCI Merit Scholarships based on the strength of their admissions application. Awards are made in conjunction with the CU Boulder Esteemed Scholars Program as well as the Presidential Scholarship.
Internships and Careers
CMCI Career Servicea connects students and alumni with top employers in the fields of media, communication and information, withover 1,000 employers in the office’s database.
The office also provides career counseling, resume reviews, workshops, career fairs, mock job interviews and more.