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Rhythms Launch: Why Do You Write?

On 11/30/2022, the Center for Media, Religion and Culture will host an event at Ice Overlook in the CU Rec Center to celebrate the launch of our new publication, Rhythms.

Last year, the fellows of the Center for Media, Religion and Culture, challenged themselves with a provocative question: Why Do You Write? We set out to probe the motivations behind our scholarship and creative work, the commitments that animate our teaching, and the aspirations that guide our engagement with the world. Our slow and wandering conversations grew richer and immensely affirming as they turned to haunting questions about the (in)accessibility of our writing, the (in)audibility of our thinking, the utility of our modes of gathering, the exhaustion of our will, and the urgencies of our times. “Why we write” became a rallying prompt to ask much broader questions about our academic habits and rhythms in urgent times. When the roof is on fire, we asked, why do you write?