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Reviewing personal charges on university travel and procurement cards

We are starting to see transactions posted to sponsored projects for procurement or travel card activities from Concur that are unallowable per university policy. These transactions should not be charged either to departmental or sponsored funding sources. In these instances, employees should temporarily charge the expenses to a department fund and are required to reimburse those funds to the university.Ìý

Effective July 1, 2023, employee expenses from procurement or travel card activities that are unallowable activities should be allocated directly to a departmental speedtype using account code 013109-Company Card Personal Charges. The expenses should not be charged to sponsored projects.

Going forward, cost transfer journals that are moving either the expense or the reimbursement between account codes on sponsored projects or from a department funding source onto a project will not be approved.Ìý

As a reminder, if the expense is not allowable on the project, it should not be allocated to the project regardless of reimbursement status.

For more information, please review our Cost Transfer Policy.Ìý