Student Guidance: Post-Production Captioning Accommodations

This guide is intended for students who will be requesting post-production captioning (PPC) accommodations for media content in coursework. Please review the Disability Services post-production captioning page for more detailed information about this type of accommodation. The steps below review the information and resources you need to get started and use your accommodations each semester.

Step One: Register with Disability Services

If you are already approved for post-production captioning accommodations through Disability Services, then you can skip to Step 2. If you have not yet registered with Disability Services, then do so as soon as possible. 

Step Two: Request Post-Production Captioning Accommodations

Once you are registered with Disability Services, you will use the Accommodate Portal to manage your accommodation requests each semester. To request post-production captioning accommodations, you also have to submit the each semester. 

Once you request post-production captioning accommodations for a course, Disability Services will notify the faculty of the accommodations, and the faculty will follow the steps on our Instructor Guidance page.

The Digital Accessibility Office (DAO) captioning team works closely with faculty throughout the semester to implement post-production captioning accommodations. If questions or concerns should ever arise about the captioned content in your coursework, please reach out to our office at Captioning@Colorado.EDU. Any other questions or concerns about accommodations (including live captioning) should be directed to your Access Coordinator in Disability Services.