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The four members of Intellicart

Team members:

  • Peter Dao
  • Joseph Esler
  • Brett Halper
  • Jason Price

Objective: To create a shopping cart system with wireless communication between an embedded system on the cart and an electromagnetic object on the shopper's merchandise. Such a shopping cart system would allow the shopper, upon placing a merchandise item into the cart, to see the price of that item as well as an updated "total" for all of the merchandise items in the cart. If the shopper removes an item from the cart, the "total" should update to reflect that removed item. When the shopper would like to check out, a credit card may be swiped on a credit card reader connected to the cart--no need to wait in line for a cashier. After the shopper removes all of the items from the cart, the total automatically resets in preparation for the next shopper.