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Wireless Nothing

The five members of Wireless Nothing

Team members:

  • Chris Browne
  • Nick Ciocco
  • Eric Hoffman
  • Derek Lindberg
  • Sean McDevitt

A common problem among motorcycle riders is communicating with fellow motorcyclists while riding. This communication typically presents great risks to the rider, as well as other motorists on the road due to the fact that the motorcyclist may be tempted to remove a hand from the handlebars to make a gesture or even worse turn their head to look at a trailing rider. Communications may take the form of giving directions, warning against hazards on the road, or simply socializing with fellow riders.

There are several parties affected by this problem. First and foremost, the motorcycle rider is the primary interest. Rather than shouting over the wind, traffic, and engine noise to your fellow rider and using random hand signals, this device will allow for simple and effective communication between motorcyclists. A second group of stakeholders are the other motorists on the road. This device will allow the riders to maintain concentration on the road at all times, thus increasing the safety of other motorists.