Sustainable CU Grant


14 Ìýyears of funding for sustainability projects


120 Ìýprojects completed


More than 20 Ìýpartnerships with CU organizations and departments

Welcome to Sustainable CU. You'll find the history, guidelines and proposals of the Sustainable CU Grant Program.ÌýIn the spring of 2005, students voted to dedicate a portion of student fees to implement on-campus sustainability projects that reduce the University'sÌýimpact on climate and the environment.ÌýThe fees allocated for these efforts make up the Sustainable CU Fund, which can be used for projects involving renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling and waste reduction, and other innovative sustainability solutions. The Environmental Center, which administers the Sustainable CU Fund, is looking in particular for projects created and led by students.Ìý

Thank you for your commitment to improving sustainability on CU's campus! If you have questions, please emailÌý

Request for Proposals

The Environmental Center approves grants in two categories: small grants of $2,500 or less, and large grants of more than $2,500. There isÌýone Sustainable CU Grant Application for both small and large grants.Ìý

Small grants are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the academic school year (September through April), with the Environmental Board typically considering the grants within the following week of its submission.

LargeÌýgrants are reviewed on a rolling basis in fall and spring semesters.Ìý Fall submissions should be submitted no later than October 31.Ìý Spring submissions should be submitted no later thanÌýAprilÌý1.Ìý

When a grant is approved, applicants will enter into a grant funding agreement with theÌýEnvironmental Center to confirm the length of the project, its measurable benefits, and appropriate times to report its progress.

Per CU Student Government bylaws, Sustainable CU funds are allocated for "capital investment, the purchase of infrastructure necessary for the initiatives, installation of capital projects, educational displays related to the capital projects, and any other non-staff operating costs associated with the initiative." Essentially, funds must be used exclusively for the physical supplies, promotion, and hired labor associated with the initiatives they are supporting.Ìý

Therefore, Sustainable CU does not fund:

  • Applicant labor
  • Academic endeavors (e.g. honors theses, capstone projects)
  • Seed-funding for business development
  • Exclusive groups
  • Off-campus projects
  • Events
  • Recurring project costs

If you have any questions about whether your project qualifies, please e-mailÌý

The application is a Google Form. You will lose your progress if the page reloads, so develop your answers on a separate document and copy them into the application.

Small grants program (up to $2,500)

Small grant fund expenses include infrastructure, contractor fees, consumables and equipment rentals. Sustainable CU does not pay for applicant labor. However, fees charged by third-party professionals, like architects and electricians, are funded by the program.Ìý Funded small projects must be fully executed within three months of the award date. An interim progress report must be submitted no later than six weeks after grant submitters have been notified that their project has been funded. Funding will be withdrawn if projects do not meet completion deadlines without a compelling written request for an extension. A short final report is due when the project is complete. 10% of funds will be withheld until the report is received. Guidelines for progress and final reports are available from the Environmental Center upon request.

Large grants program (over $2,500)Ìý

Application guidelines and instructions for large grants, in a Microsoft Word document that can be used as a template, may beÌýdownloaded by clicking here.

The application guideline document contains eligibility, requirements, submission format, and evaluation criteria and timeline information.ÌýLarge Grant application, budget and attachments are submitted by email before posted deadlines toÌý

Funded Projects

Small Grants ($2,500 or less)

  • Piranha Alternatives - $1,077
    • Sustainable alternative chemicalsÌý

Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Idea Forge Fuse 1+ and Fuse Sift system - $16,152
      • Eliminating waste in 3D printingÌý
    • A-World - $38,765
      • A mobile app where student users will be able to measure the environmental impact of their actions and habits as they relate to UN Sustainable Development Goals
    • Charge Where We Ride! - $21,644
      • Reduce the burning of fossil fuels and enable additional electric-powered bike share trips.

    Small grants ($2,500 or less)

    • RASEI Spectroscopy - $2,692
      • Funds were used towards the experimental setup, primarily an optical trigger of RASEI Spectroscopy..
    • Farm Club - $1,899
      • Environmental Center student staff and the CU Farm Club collaborated to replant the garden’s raised beds.

    Small grants ($2,500 or less)

    • ENVD Living Windows - $2,369
      • Modular living window screen system that will reduce the amount of solar radiation entering the building.

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • GFH Community Gardens - $23,552
      • Upgrade to the community gardens in graduate family housing in order to provide a better experience for graduate students and families using the garden..
    • Food Pantry - $5,384
      • Expanding both the amount and variety of food items we can offer at the Buff pantry. ThisÌý will primarily be benefiting students experiencing food insecurity at CU Boulder.
    • UMC ART - $7,107
      • The Environmental Center proposed placing artwork in the 3rd floor hallway leading to the E-Center by CU students focused on social and environmental justice.
    • Wildlife Bins - $6,519
      • CU Wildlife Club and its advisors installed a 3-part bear-resistant trash and recycling bin in a high need, high traffic location on East campus, making the area cleaner and safer for wildlife and people alike.

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Idea Forge WaterJet Closed Loop Filtration System - $22,694

      • Equip waterjet (a piece of equipment used to cut hard materials) with a closed-loop filtration system, which would eliminate up to 98% of the water consumption.

    • Newton Community Gardens - $23,285

      • Give the Graduate living community a nice outdoor space as well as leadership development and experiential learning opportunities.Ìý

    SmallÌýgrants ($2,500 or less)

    • SEEC Garden - $2,225
      • Expanding the current SEEC garden by building new raised beds, filling the beds with an organic soil mix, and creating a path that is stable and large enough to support a wheelchair.

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Smiley Court Community Garden Upgrade Project - $12,203

      • Upgrade to the community gardens in order to provide a better experience for graduate students and familiesÌý

    • CU Natural History Museum MaxR Bins - $2,844

      • Max-R bins were implemented to significantly reduce the number of floating bins around theCU Natural History Museum and standardize the location of waste receptacles.

    • Forgotten Hive Project - $22,723

      • Improve native bee’s connection to pollination sites in Boulder through designing innovative habitat within existing parking lot planting areas.

    • Rec Center Bins - $5,337

    Small Grants ($2,500 or less)

    • Greening our 3D Printing - $1,399
    • Precious Plastics - $990.50
    • Pilot Project to Compost Small Animal Bedding - $2,486.85

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Green Chemistry Certificate - $2,730
    • UMC Electric Vehicle Charging Station - $24,500
    • UMC Max R Zero Waste Bins - $15,000
    • Rec Center Max R Bins - $8,107.88
    • Conference on World Affairs 2018 Sustainability Initiative - $31,826

    Small Grants ($2500 or less)

    • Demonstration Wicking Beds at SEEC - $5,327
    • CWA Program App - $2,665
    • Encouraging Labs at CU Boulder to Participate in the North American Lab Freezer Challenge - $2,119
    • CU Biodiesel Algae Photobioreactor
    • Sustainable Waste Education for Incoming CU Students
    • Solvent Reuse Educational Campaign to Increase the Amount of Recycled Solvents on the CU Campus
    • Center for Community Educational Garden Signeage

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Student Sustainability Engagement App (PIPS) - $85,264
    • CU Recycling E Ride Vehicle - $21,316
    • CUSG Sustainability Think Tank Walk in Cooler and Freezer Replacement - $41,543
    • Theatre and Dance Light Replacement - $85,264

    Small grants ($2,500 or less):

    • Structures Lab Concrete Recycling Initiative, $1,900
    • Conference on World Affairs Paperless Program, $2,500

    Large Grants (Above $2,500):Ìý

    • CUPD Paperless Initiative, $50,000
    • SEEC Garden and Learning Landscape,Ìý $9,667
    • CU Green Labs Shared Ultra Low Freezers, $25,896Ìý
    • UMC Food Donation Freezer,Ìý$4,339.04Ìý
    • Hall Council Zero Waste Events,Ìý$11,311.27Ìý

    Small grants ($2,500 or less):

    • Stressing Sustainability at Home, $1388
    • Interactive Campus Sustainability Tour App, $2500
    • Biomimicry Club Display, $2500Ìý

    Large Grants (Above $2,500):

    • CU Athletics Sustainable Snacks, $18,642
    • UMC Flameless Urns, $7550
    • Campus Sustainability Portfolio Publication, $7200
    • ELF Vehicle, $18,500Ìý
    • Bee Boulder, $35,804Ìý

    Small grants ($2,500 or less):

    • CU Biodiesel Mobile Processor, $2474
    • Garden to Table at C4C, $2489
    • Laundry Racks, $586
    • Flammable Materials Freezer, $1899

    Large Grants (Above $2,500):Ìý

    • Athletics Food Freezer, $3585
    • Pollinator Gardens, $147,215
    • Green Chemistry Fund, $2639
    • Darley Commons Greenhouse Equipment, $118,000Ìý(In Progress)
    • Lean Path food waste reduction, $16,883Ìý(In Progress)

    Small grants ($2500 or less)Ìý

    • Equipment Sharing, $2,463.88
    • "The Art of Chasing Ice" Recording, $2,500
    • Boulder Food Rescue, $2,500 (on condition of Housing and Dining approval)

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Acetone Redistillation Unit for Chemistry Department,Ìý$9,850
    • Student Recreation Center Re-Rev, $16,805 (plus change in cost from RFP vs.sole sourcing)
    • Electric Truck amendment request, $10,807.44

    Small grants ($2500 or less)

    • Family Housing Community Gardens, $2,500
    • End the Disposable MentalityÌýandÌýaddendum, $2,500

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • UMC Coffee Cart Solar Panels, $6,500
    • Innovation Lab Incubator KioskÌýwithÌýbudgetÌýandÌýworkplan, $20,000
    • Williams Village Water Station and Bottles, $10,191
    • B-Cycle Campus Station, $52,750
    • Compost Tea BrewerÌýwithÌýcost spreadsheetÌýandÌýaddendum, $23,103

    Small grants ($2,500 or less)

    • Laboratory Water and Energy Efficiency Program (LWEEP) Conservation Manager contractor,$2500
    • Laboratory Waste Stream Reduction and Recycling projectÌý, $2100
    • Reusable Dining EcoClamshell pilot, $1000
    • Diversion of Used Oil Filters from the Transportation Garage, $1493.15
    • Science Discovery Computers to Youth summer class,Ìý$2500
    • Dining Services Electric Golf CartÌý, $2500
    • Casey Middle School Sustainability Garden, $2500
    • CU Biodiesel Solar Thermal for ESTERÌý, $2500

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Semester Bicycle Rentals, $31,000
    • Electric Zero Emission Vehicle,Ìý $78,895
    • UMC Paper Towel Reduction project,Ìý $16,158
    • CU Green Roof project,Ìý $100,000
    • Science Discovery Garden,Ìý $9294
    • Food for Thought Series,Ìý $3000
    • Laboratory Freezer Competition Incentives,Ìý $28,500
    • Compost Tea Brewing, $21,560

    SmallÌýgrants ($2,500 or less)

    • Energy Saving Timers for campus scientific labs, $2500
    • Labs Conservation Manager Contractor, $2500
    • Housing and Dining ServicesÌýPhase 1 Sustainable Food Best Practices Guide, $2400
    • Housing and Dining ServicesÌýPhase 2 Ideas for Student Involvement, $2400
    • Housing and Dining ServicesÌýPhase 3 Food Sustainability "Treasure Chest", $2400
    • Summer Conference Sustainability Education, $2465
    • Zero-Waste Summer Orientations, $1145
    • ISLE Next Generation Sustainable Land Care, $2500

    Large Grants (Above $2,500)

    • Environmental Design building Zero Waste bin pilot, $8180
    • Mountain Research Station Photovoltaic Solar Installation phase II, $50,000
    • CU SEAM Energy Audits for Student Rentals, $8000
    • Topographic Mapping of the CU Campus for Sustainability, $20,000
    • Smiley Court Garden Relocation, $9530

    Large grants ($2,500 or more)

    • Grab-n-Go Filtered Water Station, $3917
    • Campus Climate Coalition display, $2500
    • UMC Recycling Stations, $5892
    • Mountain Research Station Solar Installation, $75,000 (see photos of installation below)
    • CU Swisscamp Photovoltaic Installation, $4500 (photos of installation below)
    • Campus Garden, $90,000
    • CU Housing and Dining ServicesÌýDining Can Crushers, $11,400

    CU Swisscamp Photovoltaic Installation, funded by Sustainable CU 2008-09

    University of Colorado Mountain Research Station Solar Installation, funded by Sustainable CU 2008-09

    • Sustainable foods toolboxÌýincluding a directory, preference survey, signage and reusable food baskets, $3654
    • Funding Facilities Management for theÌýdifference in price between a planned vehicle replacement and a new electric vehicleÌýfrom E-Ride Industries, $8400
    • Reusable bag pilot studyÌýfor waste reduction in campus grab and go dining units, $1450
    • Outdoor recycling binsÌýfor grab and go waste, $2600
    • Norlin Sundial pervious paving and drainage system, $2400
    • Facilities Management microfiber cleaning technology, $7376
    • Folsom Park Bicycle Station, $55,000
    • Wolf Law Building 10kW Solar Array, $41,000
    • Facilities ManagementÌýSod Farm, $15,284
    • Water refill stationsÌýat Housing grab and go dining units, $13,080
    • Bruce Campbell Art Project: Artist Bruce Campbell will create a recycled sculptural installation using salvaged materials from CU's construction and demolition process. The artwork will be displayed on campus, demonstrating CU's commitment to environmental protection and exemplifying closed-loop recycling. Award: $19,600.
    • Mobile Billboards: The blank space on the side of CU recycling vehicles will be used to promote recycling. These vehicles drive around campus all day, providing an opportunity to spread the word about the benefits of recycling. Award: $6,000.
    • Smart Strip Surge Protectors: This project is a pilot program testing the effectiveness of smart strip surge protectors inside dorm rooms. The surge protectors can be set to turn on and off at specific times, resulting in substantial energy savings. Award: $13,444.
    • Solar-Electric Recycling Vehicle Conversion: This project will transform an existing recycling vehicle into an educational, solar-electric vehicle that will continue to collect recyclable materials. Award: $15,193.
    • Composting and Recycling Containers: The capacity of the composting program in the UMC kitchen will be increased. Zero-waste Bins in Glenn Miller Ballroom Three permanent recycling structures will be installed in the Glenn Miller ballroom in order to facilitate zero-waste events and increase diversion rates in the UMC. Containers for cardboard will help with the recycling during student move-in. Award: $8,100.
    • Folsom Field Wind Project: Six wind turbines will be installed on the Folsom Field stadium as a highly visible demonstration project to show the viability of using wind turbines on the CU campus. Award: $90,195.
    • Occupancy Sensor Lighting Units: Occupancy sensors will be installed inside classrooms within the Hellems. Energy will be saved by ensuring lights are turned off when rooms are not in use. The engineering student group, SEVEN, will monitor the success of the program in order to determine the viability of developing similar projects in other buildings on campus. Award: $3,108


    • Folsom Stadium Solar ShadeÌý
    • University Memorial Center Energy Monitoring SystemÌý
    • Housing Electric VehiclesÌý
    • Greenhouse Feasibility StudyÌý
    • Mobile Biodiesel Processor and Educational FacilityÌý
    • Recreation Center Solar Canopy
    • Recycling Facility and Rate StudyÌý
    • Residence Halls Recycling CabinetÌý
    • Food Security Initiative: Campus Garden ImprovementsÌý
    • Libby Hall Dock Improvements for Recycling and CompostingÌý