Atteberry headshot

Allison Atteberry selected for prestigious National Academy of Education/Spencer Fellowship

May 25, 2017

Drawing from a unique combination of datasets, Allison Atteberry will explore the effects of changes in teacher evaluation policies with support from a 2017 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship . Announced today, only 30 early career scholars working in critical areas of education research nationwide have been selected...


Pathways2Teaching students delve into social action research

May 19, 2017

José Alcalá Martínez is studying high school dropout rates, a subject that is near to his heart. Two of his close friends left school as juniors to start working full-time and his mother didn’t finish high school. At one point, he considered leaving school as well, but instead he is...

Rep Polis at Uni Hill assembly

Rep. Polis visits local elementary as part of Families and Educators Together project

May 12, 2017

Invited by students and parents on a Families and Educators Together team, Congressman Jared Polis visited University Hill Elementary recently offering a Q&A session and words of encouragement for students. In January, the 3rd-5th grade University Hill classes created bookmarks focused on their concerns about current news and policies coming...

Jonathan Templin, KU

Inaugural Robert L. Linn Memorial Lecture Award announced at AERA

April 28, 2017

Professor Jonathan Templin has been selected for the inaugural Robert L. Linn Memorial Lecture Award, which was announced in April at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Antonio. The award was named in honor of "Bob" Linn who was an inspirational leader in the field of measurement...
