CUE Spring 2019

  • College news
    ÌýOn the BallThe partnership between Ball Corp. and the °µÍø½ûÇø dates back to the very dawn of the space program.At that time, Ball was a glassmaker facing declines in its core home canning business. It was looking for the
  • Research spotlight
    Wildfires spark water quality researchIn 2012, two wildfires burned the Upper Cache la Poudre River watershed in northern Colorado. When Associate Professor Fernando Rosario-Ortiz sampled water from two areas along the river — one affected and one
  • From innovative underground drones and weather satellites, to improving indoor air quality and climate prediction, researchers are finding new ways to look at the world.Machine LearningÌýfor Climate PredictionAssociate Professor Claire
  • Becoming
    After overcoming the odds to become an engineer, alumnus spends his career helping others do the sameWhen he started as a faculty member at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Herb IIisaurriÌýSchroeder (PhDCivEngr’91) spent time researching
  • Alumni event
    Alumni TailgateÌý Mark your calendar!CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate​ November 9, 2019 Homecoming - CU vs. Stanford More Info TheÌýfall 2018 Alumni Tailgate drew dozens of alumni, including beer from alumni-owned Bootstrap
  • The passion is here
    New director wants CU to be the destination for research into global engineering solutionsEvan Thomas is the type of leader who will speak passionately for hours in support of his projects, team and vision with little need for breaks — mental,
  • it's alive
    'Frankenstein' materials could revolutionize building constructionIn Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein created a living being out of lifeless limbs, challenging the laws of nature and science in his dark laboratory.In Wil
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