ENGL 5029: British Literature and Culture Before 1800

This course is first and foremost an introduction to one of the most widely-read and influential poets in English literature Geoffrey Chaucer. In order to appreciate Chaucers great skill as an author, we will be reading his works alongside some of his sources and the work of some of his contemporaries: the Middle English poem Pearl with Chaucers Book of the Duchess, Dantes Inferno with Chaucers House of Fame; Boethiuss Consolation of Philosophy with Chaucers Knights Tale and Millers Tale. As is perhaps fitting for an author associated with the idea of English literature (Chaucer was for many years known as the father of English poetry), the course will also explore what it means to do literary scholarship especially now, in this time of crisis. We will familiarize ourselves with the past trends in Chaucer scholarship and contemplate what the future might bring.
Introduces graduate level study of medieval and early modern writing through the long eighteenth century. Emphasizes a wide range of genres, forms, historical background, and secondary criticism. Cultivates research skills necessary for advanced graduate study. Topics will vary.
賊梗梯梗硃喧硃莉梭梗:泭Repeatable for up to 6.00 total credit hours. Allows multiple enrollment in term.
賊梗梁喝勳莽勳喧梗莽:泭Restricted to English (ENGL) and English Lit- Creative Writing (CRWR) graduate students only.
Additional Information:Departmental Category: Graduate Courses
Taught by Katie Little.