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The English Department's main office is in Muenzinger D110.

An Evening with Alison Bechdel

Bechdel Poster

When:Thursday, November 17, 2022@ 7:00 pm
Where:UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom (1669 Euclid Avenue Boulder, CO 80309)
Cost:$2.50 with a student ID, $7.50 without

Event Details:
Creator of Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, Dykes to Watch Out For, Are You My Mother? A Comic Drama, The Secret to Superhuman Strength, and the now-famous “Bechdel Test,” Alison Bechdel is one of the most important graphic novelists working today.
Please join us for a talk and a book-signing event.
Alison Bechdel visit has been generously supported by the 's Department of English, Graduate School, College of Arts and Sciences, and College of Engineering and Applied Science.