Prof. Lupita Montoya new publications
Prof. Lupita Montoyalatest published paper () is a collaboration with Dr. Mija Hubler, an expert in fracture mechanics. This was the product of an MS thesis where they combined Civil and Environmental Engineering to expand fragmentation theory, and hopefully the protection of human health.
1. Heichelheim E.W., Montoya L.D., Hubler H. (2017). “Aerosol Generation in Compressive Concrete Fragmentation”, Construction and Building Materials, 155: 1039-1049.
Prof. Montoya also published a paper with Dr. Angela Bielefeldt, an expert in Engineering Education, about how to best assess the benefits of undergraduate research:
2. Bielefeldt A.R., Montoya L., Rulifson G. (2017). “Methods Matter: Contrasting Undergraduate Research Experience Outcomes based on Surveys and Interview Methods”, accepted, Frontiers in Education.
This summer, she was also sponsored by the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Mexico) to teach a short course on Indoor Air Quality, to present a Seminar on some of her research and to collaborate with researchers at their institution:
1.Bilingual workshop: “Indoor Air Quality (Calidad del Aire Intramuros)”, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico. August 21-23, 2017.
2."A multi-scale and multi-disciplinary research approach to address human exposure to indoor air pollution", given at Multidisciplinary Seminar, Environmental Chemistry Department, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, México, August 24, 2017.
Finally, she participated in the First Annual National Native Health Research Training Conference, which took place in Denver, September 18-19, 2017. They presented their latest results and future work with the Navajo Nation. The third presentation listed was with 4 undergraduate researchers sheadvised this past summer at Dine College, a tribal college in the Navajo Nation.
- Montoya L.D., Champion W.M., “Emission factors of fine particulate matter, organic and elemental carbon, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide for four solid fuels commonly used in residential heating by the Navajo Nation”, presented at First Annual Native Health Research Training Conference, Denver CO, September 18, 2017.
- Montoya L.D., Champion W.M., Charley P., Stewart K., “A Navajo Framework: integration of perception, culture, and science to identify in-home heating options to improve indoor air quality in the Navajo Nation”, presented at First Annual Native Health Research Training Conference, Denver CO, September 19, 2017.
- Badonie M.I., Lee F.J., Roy J., Randall C., Montoya L.D., "Reclaiming Navajo Burn Practices", presented at First Annual Native Health Research Training Conference, Denver CO, September 18, 2017.