Published: April 18, 2018

WateReuse Colorado (WRCO) is pleased to offer four (4) scholarships to support students focusing on water reclamation, water reuse, and/or desalination. Each scholarship is valued at $1,500 and will be awarded in September 2018 to the highest-ranking applicants among undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited Colorado university or community college, as determined by the scholarship committee of WRCO.

General Qualifications for Scholarships:
Undergraduate or graduate student
Fulltime enrollment泭at a university or college for Fall 2018
Sincere interest in pursuing/currently employed in a professional career related to water reclamation, water reuse, and/or desalination. Research involvement in these fields and/or professional experience welcomed
Not a previous WRCO scholarship recipient
Each applicant may only receive one (1) WRCO scholarship

Scholarship applications are due (post-marked) by June 15, 2018.
