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Newest Publication on Batteries for Professors Cook and Milford

Keshavarzmohammadian, A.; Cook, S.M.; Milford, J.B. Cradle-to-gate Environmental Impacts of Sulfur-based Solid-state Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications.Journal of Cleaner Production(2018), DOI:0.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.168

Our very own EVEN Professors Sherri Cook and Jana Milford,with the help of Ph.D. candidate Azadeh Keshavarzmohammadian, will have their newest research article published in volume 202 of the Journal of Cleaner Production titled “Cradle-to-gate environmental impacts of sulfur-based solid-state lithium batteries for electric vehicle applications”. In this article they discuss how Pyrite batteries are being developed to provide a better electric vehicle battery, having a higher energy density, as well as having lower production impacts; however, these batteries require larger clean dry-rooms.