Luis Zea

Luis Zea

Adjunct Professor

Focus Area


  • Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering Sciences – Bioastronautics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2015
  • M.S., Aerospace Engineering – Thermofluids, University of Central Florida, 2008
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, 2005

Professional Experience

  • 2024-to date, Founder, Jaguar Space, LLC
  • 2022-to date,Adjunct Professor, Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences,
  • 2022-2023, Sr. Business Development Manager In-Space R&D, Sierra Space
  • 2018-2022 Assistant Research Professor, BioServe Space Technologies, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • 2015-2018Research Associate, BioServe Space Technologies, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • 2015 Visiting Scientist, Brazilian Space Agency, UFMG Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • 2014 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany
  • 2014-2022 Professor, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
  • 2010-2015 Graduate Research Assistant, BioServe Space Technologies, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
  • 2008-2010 Heat Transfer Engineer, Siemens Energy, Inc., Orlando, FL
  • 2006-2008 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
  • 2004-2006 Mechanical Engineer, ExxonMobil, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Awards (selected)

  • 2024 NASA's Silver Group Achievement Award (BioExperiment-01)
  • 2023
  • 2023 , Prensa Libre, Guatemala
  • 2022 , Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
  • 2021Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, (CU)
  • 2018 , American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR)
  • 2016 , ISS R&D Conference
  • 2016 Among the (top 3 scientists), Forbes Mexico
  • 2015 , International Astronautical Federation
  • 2015 , International Astronautical Federation
  • 2015 , Central America Region
  • 2014 Student Investigator Spaceflight Award, CASIS
  • 2014 , German Academic Exchange Service
  • 2013 , AIAA
  • 2013 , MIT / Skoltech
  • 2013 , Grupo Universales, Guatemala
  • 2013 Aerospace Graduate Student Scholarship, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • 2012 , Corporación de Noticas, Guatemala
  • 2011 Graduate Student Service Award, University of Colorado, Boulder

Research Interests

Space biology, gravitational microbiology, space life sciences, biological regenerative life support systems, small satellites, CubeSats, international cooperation for space exploration, STEM outreach, biomining, biology-based in-situ resource utilization (ISRU)


Space-Based Research Experience

Experience includes Principal Investigator (PI),implementation project management (IPM), and/orengineering R&Don 19 experiments performed in space: (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, STS-135), (Salmonella and Caenorhabditis elegans, SpaceX-5), (Escherichia coli, Orbital-1, Ph.D. thesis), (butterflies STEM project, HTV-3), (human-induced pluripotent stem cells, SpaceX-9), (preosteoblasts, SpaceX-9), (MRSA, SpaceX-10, IPM), (lung cancer cells, Orbital-7, IPM), (lung cancer cells, Orbital-7, IPM), (human and bovine sperm, SpaceX-14,IPM), (Shewanella oneidensis, SpaceX-15, IPM), (SpaceX-21, engineered heart tissue, IPM), (NG-14, bacterial mutant libraries, IPM), (NG-12, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Principal Investigator),MicroQuin 3D Tumor (scheduled for NG-17, breast and prostate cancer cells, IPM),Space (Fungal) Biofilms(scheduled for NG-17, Penicillium rubens, Principal Investigator), Cardinal Heart 2.0(scheduled for SpaceX-25, heart spheroids, IPM),Neuronix (scheduled for SpaceX-26, astrocytes and neural cells, IPM), andDeep Space Radiation Genomics (Artemis 1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Principal Investigator)



  • Pathak, Y., Araújo dos Santos, M., Zea, L. . Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-030-05525-7
  • Zea, L., Monge-Naranjo, A.L., Callow, B., , Editorial Universitaria, ISBN # 978-9929-8144-7-9
  • Alvarez, D., Ayerdi, V., Bagur, J., Martínez, M., Miranda, E.,Zea, L., , Editorial Universitaria, ISBN # 978-9929-8144-9-3

Book Chapters

  • Zea, L., Santa Maria, S.R, Ricco, A.J. . In Cappelleti C. and Battistini S. (Eds.), CubeSat Handbook: From Mission Design to Operation. Elsevier (pp. 147-162). Academic Press.


Journal Articles

  • Mason, C.E., Green, J., ….,Zea, L., Mateus, J., Beheshti, A.,, Nature,
  • Zea, L.,Warren, L., Ruttley, T., Mosher, T., Kelsey, L., Wagner, E.,, nature Microgravity (2024), vol 10, No. 43
  • Flores, P. Luo, J., Mueller, D.W., Muecklich, F.,Zea, L. ,Biofilm, 100182​;
  • Herrera-Jordan, K., Pennington, P.,Zea, L.,Microorganisms2024,12(2), 393
  • Sharma, G., Zee, P.C.,Zea, L., Curtis, P.D.,, BMC Genomics 24, 782 (2023).
  • Zea, L., Aguilar-Nadalini, A., Martinez, M., Birnie, J., Miranda, E., España, F., Chung, K., Alvarez, D., Bagur, J.A, Estrada, C., Herrarte, R., Ayerdi, V.,, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 047501 (December 2023).
  • Flores, P., McBride, S., Galazka, J., & Varanasi, K.,Zea, L.,natureMicrogravity (2023) 9:66;
  • Santomartino, R., Averesch, N.J.H., Bhuiyan, M., Cockell, C.S., Colangelo, J., Gumulya, Y., Lehner, B., Lopez-Ayala, I., McMahon, S., Mohanty, A., Santa Maria, S.R., Urbaniak, C., Volger, R., Yang, J.,Zea, L.,Nature Communications14, 1391 (2023)
  • Hupka, M., Kedia, R., Schauer, R., Shepard, B., Granados-Presa, M., Vande Hei, M., Flores, P.,Zea, L. ,Life 2023, 13(4), 1001;
  • Aguilar-Nadalini, A., Chung, K.H., Marsicovetere, C., Bagur, J.A., Medrano, J.F., Miranda, E., Ayerdi, V.,Zea, L. ,JoSS, Vol. 12, No. 02 (May/June 2023) pp. 1201–1229
  • Alvarez, D., Aguilar-Nadalini, A., Bagur, J.A.,Zea, L. ,JoSS, Vol. 12, No. 02 (May/June 2023) pp. 1231–1247
  • Zea, L., Piper, S. S., Gaikani, H., Khoshnoodi, M., Niederwieser, T., Hoehn, A., ... & Nislow, C. (2022)..Acta Astronautica,198, 702-706.
  • Allen, L. A., Kalani, A. H., Estante, F., Rosengren, A. J., Stodieck, L., Klaus, D., &Zea, L.(2022).. Life, 12(9), 1399.
  • Flores, P., Schauer, R., McBride, S. A., Luo, J., Hoehn, C., Doraisingam, S., ... &Zea, L. (2022).. Acta Astronautica, 199, 386-400.
  • Santomartino, R., Zea, L. & Cockell, C.S. .Extremophiles26,7 (2022).
  • Gumulya, Y., Zea, L., Kaksonen, A.H., , Minerals Engineering, 2022; Volume 176, 107288, ISSN 0892-6875
  • Kaksonen AH, Deng X, Morris C, Khaleque HN, Zea L, Gumulya Y. . Microorganisms. 2021; 9(12):2416.
  • Zea, L., McLean, R.J.C., Rook, T.A., Angle, G., Carter, D.L., Delegard, A., Denvir, A., Gerlach, R., Gorti, S., McIlwaine, D., Nur, M., Peyton, B., Stewart, P., Sturman, P., Velez Justiniano, Y.A. (2020) Biofilm, 100026.
  • Overbey, E. G., Saravia-Butler, A. M., Zhang, Z., Rathi, K. S., Fogle, H., da Silveira, W. A., ... Zea, L. & Galazka, J. M. (2020). .bioRxiv.
  • Kaksonen, A. H., Deng, X., Bohu, T., Zea, L., Khaleque, H. N., Gumulya, Y., ... & Cheng, K. Y. (2020). . Hydrometallurgy, 105376.
  • Kidder, L. S., Zea, L., Countryman, S. M., Stodieck, L. S., & Hammer, B. E. (2020). . Gravitational and Space Research, 8(1), 8-13.
  • Zea, L., Nisar, Z., Rubin, P., Cortesão, M., Luo, J., McBride, S. A., Moeller, R., Klaus, D., Mueller, D., Varanasi, K., K., Muecklich, F., Stodieck, L. (2018). . Acta Astronautica 148 (294-300)
  • Aunins, T. R., Erickson, K. E., Prasad, N., Levy, S. E., Jones, A., Shrestha, S., Mastracchio, R., Stodieck., L., Klaus, D., Zea, L., Chatterjee, A. (2018). . Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 310
  • Zea L., Larsen M, Estante F, Qvortrup K, Moeller R, Dias de Oliveira S, Stodieck L and Klaus D (2017) . Front. Microbiol. 8:1598. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01598
  • Zea L., Prasad N, Levy SE, Stodieck L, Jones A, Shrestha S, Stodieck, L., Klaus, D. (2016) . PLoS ONE 11(11): e0164359
  • Zea, L., Ayerdi, V., Argueta, S., Muñoz, A. (2016). , Journal of Small Satellites, JoSS, Vol. 05, No. 03, pp. 483–511
  • Zea, L., Cooper, D., Kumar, R. (2011) , SPE Journal, v.16, number 4, pp 931-939
  • Zea, L., Kumar, R. (2010) , Acta Astronautica, v.67, iss.1-2, p.60-70

Conference Papers

  • Allen, L., Forward, T., Kalani, A., Klaus, D., Zea, L. Salmonella typhimurium, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, and ISS-isolated Staphylococcus epidermidis: The Effect of Simulated Micro-, Lunar, and Martian Gravities on Growth and Size, and Practical Implications, IAC-22,A1,IP,x69576, 73rdInternational Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022
  • Herrera-Jordan, K., Pennington, P., Zea, L. Reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell size observed on planktonic cultures grown in the International Space Station, IAC-22,A2,7,x72548, 73rdInternational Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022
  • Flores, P. Luo, J., Mueller, D.W., Muecklich, F., Zea, L. Space Biofilms – An Overview of the Morphology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Grown on Silicone and Cellulose Membranes on board the International Space Station, IAC-22-A2.7.2, 73rdInternational Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022
  • Flores, P., Schauer, R., McBride, S. A., Luo, J., Cortesao, M., Hoen, C., Doraisingam, S., Widhalm, D., Chadha, J., Meyerson, H., Mitzak, E., Hurd, V., Selman, L., Vellone, M., Floyd, S., Tozer, S., Rupert, M., Gorti, S., Reagan, S., ‚Zea, L.(2021, October 29). Preparation for and Performance of aPseudomonas aeruginosaBiofilm Experiment On Board the International Space Station. IAC-21,A2,7,2,x65214, 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Allen, L.A., Kalani, A.H.,Zea, L., Ciprofloxacin Efficacy against Urinary Tract Pathogens cultured Under Simulated Micro-, Lunar, and Martian Gravities, IAC-21-A2.7.7x65129, 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Herrera-Jordan, K., España, F., Pennington, P.,Zea, L., Development and Verification of a Low-Budget Clinostat built by Undergraduate Students in a Developing Country, IAC-21-E1.7.5X62925, 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Zea, L., Piper, S., Gaikani, H., Khoshnoodi, M., Niederwieser, T., Hoehn, A,. Grusin, M., Wright, J., Flores, P., Wilson, K., Lutsic, A., Stodieck, L., Carr, C.E., Moeller, R., Nislow, C., Experiment Verification Test of the Artemis I 'Deep Space Radiation Genomics' Experiment, IAC-21-A.2.7x65012, 72th International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Miranda, E., Kuk, C., Ayerdi, V., Zea, L. Quetzal-1 CubeSat’s Command and Data Handling – Design and Development Considerations, 4thIAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop (LACW) Virtual Conference, Aug 3 – 6, 2020
  • Zea, L., Niederwieser, T., Stodieck, L,. Carr, C., Moeller, R., Nislow, C., Experiment Design for a Genome-Wide Yeast Fitness Profiling Experiment On Board Orion’s Artemis 1 Mission, IAC-19-A2.7.9x51501, 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Forward, T., Allen, L., Stodieck, L., Klaus, D., Zea, L., Growth Dynamics of Bacteria Under Simulated Lunar and Martian Gravities, IAC-19-A1.8.2x51510, 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Nisar, Z., Ganguly, S., Stodieck, L., Zea, L., Defining a Spaceflight Biofilm Experiment Through Comprehensive Assessment of Material, Media, and Hardware Biocompatibility, IAC-18,A2,7,14,x45464, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018
  • Cortesao, M., Rubin, P., Mucklich, F., Hellweg, C., Stodieck, L., Klaus, D., Moeller, R., Zea, L., Controlling Spaceflight Fungal Biofilms: the Search for Antimicrobial Surfaces, IAC-18,A2,7,15,x46729, 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018
  • Martínez, M., González, D., Rodríguez, D., Birnie, J., Bagur, J.A., Paz, R., Miranda, E., Solórzano, F., Esquit, C., Gallegos, J., Álvarez, E., Ayerdi, V.H., Zea, L. (2018) . 32nd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 4-10, 2018
  • Gómez Jenkins, M., García, B., Chaves Jimenez, A., García, D., Carvajal-Godínez, J., Lara, J., Zea, L., Mechanism of Cooperation for the Development of a Central American International Space Project – A Regional CubeSat, IAC-17-E3.1.11, 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017
  • Molina, J.C., Zea, L. (2016). Attitude Control Model for CubeSats, 2nd Latin American CubeSat Workshop, Florianopolis, Brazil, February 28 - March 2, 2016
  • Zea, L., , IAC-15-A1.8x27627, 66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, October 12-16, 2015
  • Zea, L., Microbiological Experiments Onboard CubeSats – A Review and Prospects, IAA-BR-14-13-03, 1st Latin American IAA CubeSat Workshop, Brasilia, Brazil, December 8-11, 2014
  • Miranda, E., Flores, J., Molina, J.C., Perez, J., Ayerdi, V., Zea, L., Design and Development of Guatemala´s first CubeSat, IAA-BR-14-05-06, 1st Latin American IAA CubeSat Workshop, Brasilia, Brazil, December 8-11, 2014
  • Zea, L., Ayerdi, V., Argueta, S., Muñoz, A., CubeSat Applications and their Potential Benefits – A Methodology for Mission Selection, IAA-BR-14-03-02, 1st Latin American IAA CubeSat Workshop, Brasilia, Brazil, December 8-11, 2014
  • Bandla, S., Cheetham, B., Hakeem, R., Zea, L., , 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, September 29 - October 3, 2014
  • Caparelli E., … Zea, L., Battat, J., , IAA Space Exploration Conference, Washington DC, USA, January 9 2014
  • Zea, L., Over, S., Klaus, D., Tanner, J., Stroud, K., , 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), San Diego, CA, July 15-19, 2012
  • Hammond, T.G., Allen, P.L., Zea, L., Fanchiang, C., Nislow, C. and Stodieck, L.S., , 1st International Space Station Research and Development Conference, Denver, CO, June 26-28, 2012
  • Zea, L., , ASME Power 2010 Conference, Chicago, IL, July 13-15, 2010

Conference Abstracts and Posters

  • Herrera-Jordan, K., Zea, L. (2023) Cambios en el tamaño celular de bacterias planctónicas crecidas en el espacio, I Congreso Espacial Centroamericano, San José, Costa Rica, Septiembre 12-14, 2023
  • Barrientos Montepeque, A., Pennington, P., Lupo, P., Flores, P., Zea, L., (2023)Penicillium rubenscomo modelo para estudiar el efecto de microgravedad sobre los peroxisomas, I Congreso Espacial Centroamericano, San José, Costa Rica, Septiembre 12-14, 2023
  • Zea, L., Bagur, J.A., Ayerdi, V. (2023) Quetzal-1: Historia, Retos, y Aprendizajes del Primer Satélite Guatemalteco, I Congreso Espacial Centroamericano, San José, Costa Rica, Septiembre 12-14, 2023
  • Warren, L., ……., Zea, L. (2023) The Commercial Low Earth Orbit Destination for Next Generation Research and Technology Development, ISSRDC
  • Thomas, D., Shenoy, S., Lius, Y., Belbachir, N., Gaddam, S., Alamana, C., Zea, L., Chirikian, O., Countryman, S., Rubins, K., Pruitt, B., Wu, J., Elucidating the Effect of Microgravity Using Engineered Heart Tissues, 19th NIH Tissue Chip Consortium Meeting – February 10th 2022
  • Zea, L., Niederwieser, T., Hoehn, A., Grusin, M., Wright, J., Stanish, G., Piper, S., Flores, P., Griffith, R., Gaikani, H., Khoshnoodi, M., Siems, K., Cortesao, M., Wahl, K,. Bernstein, V., Knipp, D., Wilson, K., Scott, K., Lutsic, A., Soler, M., Sato, K., Viau, A., Aragon, R., Stodieck. L., Countryman, S., Carr, C.E., Moeller, R., Nislow, C., From Idea to Lunar Orbit Flight Readiness - Implementation of the Artemis I 'Deep Space Radiation Genomics' (DSRG) Yeast Experiment, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Conference, November 3-7, 2021
  • Flores, P., Schauer, R., McBride, S., …,Zea, L.A Space Biofilms - Phenotypic and Transcriptomic Behavior ofPseudomonas aeruginosaBiofilms on board the International Space Station, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Conference, November 3-7, 2021
  • Mitra, A., Chancellor, J., Feustel, A.J., Aunon-Chancellor, S., Yarns, E., Piper, S.S., Stodieck, L.,Zea, L., Doraisingam, D., Karouia, F., Blanco, G., Tash, J.S., (2021) Radiation and Microgravity Effecton In VitroCapacitated Cryopreserved Human and Bovine Sperm on the ISS, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, November 3-6, 2021
  • Zea, L., Nislow, C., First Controlled Biological Experiments beyond the Van Allen Belts, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Technical Symposium, , September 29, 2021
  • Zea, L., Proyectos con involucramiento de UVG, U.S. Week at UVG, Julio 27, 2021
  • Wahl, K.R., Bernstein, V., Knipp, D., andZea, L., Maximizing Space Radiation Exposure for the Deep Space Radiation Genomics (DSRG) Experiment on Artemis 1, 18th Space Weather Conference in the American Meteorological Society 101st Meeting 10-14 January 2021 (Virtual)
  • Thomas, D., Shenoy, S., Shrestha, R., Zea, L., Chirikian, O., Countruman, S., Rubins, K., Pruitt, B., Wu, J., Elucidating the Effect of Microgravity Using Engineered Heart Tissues, 18th NIH Tissue Chip Consortium Meeting to be held virtually on March 30-31, 2021 (virtual)
  • Alvarez, D., Aguilar, A., Ayerdi, V., Bagur, J., Chung, K., Maldonado, I., Miranda, E., Paz, R., Reyes, O., Saaverdra, C., Zea, L., Quetzal-1 CubeSat Preliminary Results, V Feria Científica Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, October, 2020
  • A Mitra, J Chancellor, C Zimmerman, AJ Feustel, S Aunon-Chancellor, EM Yarns, SS Piper, LS Stodieck, L Zea, S Doraisingam, F Karouia, G Blanco, JS Tash, Impact of Space Flight Radiation and Microgravity on DNA Integrity and Fertility Risk of Human & Bovine Sperm on the ISS, ASGSR 2020
  • JS Tash, A Mitra, AJ Feustel, S Auñón-Chancellor, EM Yarns, SS Piper, L Ngo, E Laundy, V Mittal, N Chanliongco, M Julo, LS Stodieck, L Zea, S Doraisingam, F Karouia, G Blanco, Fertilization-Critical Motility & Acrosome Reaction of Human & Bovine Sperm are Negatively Impacted by Space Flight on the ISS, ASGSR 2020
  • Thomas, D., Chirikian, O., Shreshta, R., Cunningham, N., Lopez, N., Zea, L., Countruman, S., Pruitt, B., Wu, J. Effect of Microgravity on Drug Responses Using Engineered Heart Tissues, NIH Tissue Chips Meeting, September 22, 2020
  • Knipp, D., Wahl, K., Bernstein, V., Zea, L. Sending Tiny Life Forms to Space. ED032 - The Up-Goer Five Challenge: Explaining big important things in simple words. AGU 2020 Fall Meeting, December 1-7, 2020
  • Gorti, S., Zea, L., McLean, R.J.C., Chiaramonte, F.P., Necessity of Understanding Bioflim Formations in Closed Habitats, 2020 Southeastern Branch American Society for Microbiology (2020 SEB ASM) Conference, Huntsville, AL, February 21-23
  • Tash., J.S., Feustel, A.J., Aunon-Chancellor, S., Yarns, E.M., Piper, S.S., Ngo, L., Laundy, E., Mittal, V., Chanliongco, N., Julo, M., Stodieck, L., Zea, L., Doraisingam, S., Karouia, F., Blanco, G., (2019) Micro-11: Microgravity Significantly Alters Human and Bovine Sperm Functions on the ISS, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Breaux, S., Fuchs, F., Cortesao, M., Siems, K., Stodieck, L., Niederwieser, T., Zea, L., Carr, C.E., Moeller, R., Nislow, C. (2019) Irradiation Ground Control for a Genome-Wide Yeast Fitness Profiling Experiment On Board Orion’s Artemis 1 Mission, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Flores, P., Schauer, R., McBride, S., Luo, J., Pennington, P,. Countryman, S., Hoehn, C., Vellone, M., Doraisingam, S., Floyd, S., Rupert, M., Klaus, D., Varanasi, K.K., Muecklich, F., Gorti, S., Sato, K., Moeller, R,. Stodieck, L., Zea, L. (2019) Verification of the Design of a Bacterial Biofilm Experiment in Preparation for Spaceflight, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Schauer, R., Flores, P., Cortesao, M., McBride, S., Frank, G., Countryman, S., Hoehn, C., Vellone, M., Doraisingam, S., Floyd, S., Rupert, M., Klaus, D., Varanasi, K.K., Moeller, R., Sato, K,. Gorti, S., Stodieck, L., Zea, L. (2019) Verification of the Design of a Fungal Biofilm Experiment in Preparation for Spaceflight, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Allen, L.A., Forward, T., Stodieck, L,. Klaus, D., Zea, L, (2019) The Effects of Simulated Lunar and Martian Gravities on the Growth and Morphology of Escherichia coli, Shewanella oneidensis, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research. Denver, CO, November 20-23, 2019
  • Garcia, I., Farchi, D., Caterina, A., Sunu, K., Zea, L. (2019) Premature Autolysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae Induced by Simulated Microgravity at Different pH and Carbenicillin Concentrations, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Santa Maria, S. R., Zea, L., Ricco, A., Biological CubeSats: what have we learned so far and what is next?, 35th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), 20-23 November, 2019, Denver CO
  • Kaksonen, A.H., Boxall, N., Gumulya, Y., Khaleque, H.N., Hu, T., Deng, X., Zea, L., Morris, C., Van Yken, J., Cheng, K.Y., Prospective directions for biohydrometallurgy, International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS), Fukuoka, Japan, October 20-23, 2019
  • Thomas, D., Chirikian, O., Wnorowski, A., Shreshta, R., Lopez, N., Zea, L., Countryman, S., Pruitt, B., Wu, J.C. Effect of Microgravity on Drug Responses Using Engineered Heart Tissues, NIH Tissue Chip Consortium, Maryland, March 11-12, 2019 (poster)
  • Tsui, J., Higashi, T., Smith, A., Moerk, T,. Lee, P., Ahn, E. H., Koenig, P., Zea, L., Countryman, S., Sniadecki, N., Kim, D.H, A Human iPSC-based 3D Microphysiological System for Modeling Cardiac Dysfunction in Microgravity, NIH Tissue Chip Consortium, Maryland, March 11-12, 2019 (poster)
  • Gumulya, Y., Khaleque, H., Deng, X., Morris, C., Kaksonen, A., Zea, L. (2019) Exploring the effects of space microgravity on terrestrial biomining microorganisms for metal recovery from regolith simulants, CSIRO’s Space Future Science Platform Symposium, Sydney, Australia, November 19-22
  • Tash, J., Yarns, E.M., Piper, S.S., Ngo, L., Laundy, E., Julo, M., Stodieck, L., Zea, L., Karouia, F., Blanco, G., Micro-11: Human and Bovine Sperm Function in Microgravity on the ISS, 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), October 31-November 3, 2018, Washington, D.C
  • Zea, L., Estante, F., Rosengren, A., Stodieck, L., Klaus, L. (2018). Determining an Appropriate Clinostat Rotational Speed, 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), October 31-November 3, 2018, Washington, D.C
  • Schauer, R., Ganguly S., Nisar, Z., Cortesao, M., Moeller, R., Luo, J., Muecklich, F., McBride, S.A., Varanasi, K., Sato, K., Gorti, S., Klaus, D., Stodieck, L., Zea, L. (2018). Tests in Preparation for a Spaceflight Fungal and Bacterial Biofilm Experiment, 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), October 31-November 3, 2018, Washington, D.C
  • García, I., Farchi, D., Álvarez, C., Sunu, K., Pennington, P., Zea, L. (2018) La vida y muerte de Klebsiella pneumoniae en microgravead simulada: Comportamiento a distintos pH y concentraciones de Carbenicilina, 1er Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología en Guatemala, 8-10 Octubre, 2018, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
  • Pérez, C., Sandoval, P., Argueta, S., Torres, M., Pennington, P., Zea, L. (2018) Resistencia de Staphylococcus aureus a carbonicilina en condiciones simuladas de microgravedad, 1er Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología en Guatemala, 8-10 Octubre, 2018, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
  • Flores, P., Zaghi, M., López, I., Zea, L. (2018) Determination of Growth Curves of Klebsiella pneumonia under Earth Gravity at Different pH Values and Simulated Microgravity, 1er Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología en Guatemala, 8-10 Octubre, 2018, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
  • Cortesao, M., de Haas, A., Laue, M., Hemmersbach, R., Hellweg, C., Venkateswaran, K., Zea, L., Moeller, R., Fungi in space: Implications for astronaut health and planetary protection, EANA 2018, Berlin, Germany, 24-28 September 2018
  • Zea, L., Chaves, A., Ayerdi, V., Carvajal, J. (2018). A Multinational CubeSat for Forest Monitoring. United Nations/Brazil Symposium on Basic Space Technology, Natal, Brazil, 11-14 September 2018
  • Chaves, A., Carvajal-Godinez, J., Zea, L., Mission Concept Review of an International Cooperative Space Project: a Mesoamerican CubeSat, United Nations/Brazil Symposium on Basic Space Technology, Natal, Brazil, 11-14 September 2018
  • Kidder, L.S., Zea, L., Countryman, S.M., Stodieck, L.S., Hammer B.E. (2018). A Novel Protocol Permitting the Use of Frozen Cell Cultures in Low Earth Orbit. ISSRDC Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 23-26, 2018
  • Cortesao, M., Luo, J., Müller, D., Nisar, Z., Rubin, P., Mücklich F., Hemmersbach, R., Hellweg, C.E., Zea, L., Moeller, R. Biofilm in Space (BFS): Designing a Spaceflight Experiment. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, CA, July 14-22, 2018 (Oral presentation) and Biofilms 8, Aarhus, Denmark, May 27-29, 2018
  • Zea, L. (2018). Chapines trabajando en proyectos espaciales alrededor del mundo. CONVERCIENCIA, Guatemala City, Guatemala, July 23-27, 2018
  • Zea, L. (2018). Cómo estudiar en el exterior sin pagar, y la importancia de las publicaciones científicas. CONVERCIENCIA, Guatemala City, Guatemala, July 23-27, 2018
  • Zea, L. (2018). Preparando un experimento de biopelículas microbianas a ser llevado a cabo en la Estación Espacial Internacional. CONVERCIENCIA, Guatemala City, Guatemala, July 23-27, 2018
  • Ganguly, S., Zea, L., Characterization of P. aeruginosa Growth Patterns Under Varying Gravitational Conditions, Anschutz Medical Campus Master of Science in Modern Human Anatomy Capstone Presentation Sessions, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, April 17, 2018
  • Niederwieser, T., Zea, L., Anthony, J., Stodieck, L. (2018). Basic and Applied Algal Life Support System Research on Board the Deep Space Gateway. NASA’s Deep Space Gateway Workshop, February 27-March 1, 2018, Denver, CO
  • Zea, L., Niederwieser, T., Anthony., J., Stodieck, L. (2018). Utilizing the Deep Space Gateway to Characterize DNA Damage due to Space Radiation and Repair Mechanisms. NASA’s Deep Space Gateway Workshop, February 27-March 1, 2018, Denver, CO
  • Anthony, J., Niederwieser, T., Zea, L., Stodieck, L. (2018). Key Challenges for Life Science Payloads on the Deep Space Gateway. NASA’s Deep Space Gateway Workshop, February 27-March 1, 2018, Denver, CO
  • J.S. Tash, F. Karouia, M.C. Schiewe, L.S. Stodieck, L. Zea, E.M. Yarns. MICRO-11: Spaceflight-Altered Motility Activation and Fertility-Dependent Responses in Sperm, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), Seattle, Washington, October 25-29, 2017
  • Nisar, Z., Stodieck, L., Zea, L., Ground Testing of Biofilm Formation on Spaceflight-Relevant Materials, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), Seattle, WA, October 24-28, 2017
  • Cortesao, M., Luo, J., Mueller, D., Nisar, Z., Muecklich, F., Hemmersbach, R., Hellweg, C., Zea, L., Moeller, R., Growth and biofilm formation of Penicillium chrysogenum in simulated microgravity, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), Seattle, WA, October 24-28, 2017
  • García, B., Lara, J., Ayerdi, V., Zea, L., Manufacturing a CubeSat Structure at an Academic Makerspace, 2nd International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM), Cleveland, USA, September 24-27, 2017
  • Zea, L., Beneficios de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Órbita Terrestre, Converciencia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Julio 24-28 2017
  • Zea, L., Diseño del Primer Satélite Guatemalteco, Converciencia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Julio 24-28 2017
  • Zea, L., Stodieck, L. and Klaus, D., Characterizing Phenotypic and Gene Expression Changes in E. coli Challenged with Antibiotics during Spaceflight, 4th International Space Station Research and Development Conference, Boston, MA, July 7-9, 2015
  • Zea, L., Stodieck, L. and Klaus, D., , ASGSR Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 22-26, 2014
  • Zea, L., Stodieck, L. and Klaus, D., The First Fifty Years of Bacterial Growth and Antibiotic Effectiveness Research in Space, ASGSR Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 22-26, 2014
  • Zea, L., Stodieck, L., Klaus, D.M., Bacterial Growth and Susceptibility to Antibiotics in Simulated Reduced Levels of Gravity, ASGSR Conference, Orlando, FL November 3-8, 2013
  • Mitchell, R., Zea, L., Over, S., Aber, I., Anderson, D., Carpenter, J., Curtis, B., Duchek, M., Edwards, W., Hava, H., Lestishen, J., Massina, C., Roth, B., Dream Chaser: Design of a Commercial Spacecraft’s Cockpit, SpaceVision 2011, Boulder CO, October 27-30, 2011
  • Zea, L., Jepson, P., Kumar, R., Role of Pressure and Reaction Time on Corrosion Control of H2S Scavenger, SPE 2008 Oilfield Corrosion Conference, Scotland, UK, May 27-30, 2008

STEM Outreach, Technical Presentations, Seminars, Workshops & Podcasts

  • Zea, L., Levine, H., Santamaria, S., Hammond, T., Brandizzi, F., Henessa, T.,Artemis I Biological Payloads Panel, ASGSR 2023
  • Zea, L., Nislow, C.,Artemis I’sDeep Space Radiation Genomics Opportunities, Constraints, & Challenge Solving,NASA Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) Working Group,April 10, 2023
  • Zea, L., El Impacto de la Innovación,Stream your Innovation 2022, Colegios APDE, Guatemala (virtual), November 14, 2022
  • Zea, L., Some Highlights of the 2020 Decade for Microbiology Research in Space, ASGSR Plus 10 video talks, Zea, L., , ASGSR Plus 10 video talks,
  • Zea, L., SkyTalks High School Aerospace Engineering Club (Balamir Sahin) May 2021
  • Zea L., Why do we do biological and microbiological research in space? Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, March 25, 2021
  • Zea, L. No such thing as a linear path - A story about career growth in space science, Blue Origin –Space Leadership Talk Series - New Gutierrez, March 4, 2021
  • Zea, L, & Jakosky, B., A View From Earth Podcast, Fiske Planetarium, July 2020
  • Zea L., Why do we do biological and microbiological research in space? The European Association of Aerospace Students (EUROAVIA), May 14, 2020
  • Zea L., Beneficios y oportunidades de hacer ciencia gravitqacional en nuestra región, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) Latin American Webinar Series, May 22, 2020
  • Zea L., Retos y Oportunidades para Nuevos Actores en el Espacio Perspectivas del Primer Satélite Guatemalteco, Webinar del Secure World Foundation ‘Dominio de Nuevos Actores en el Espacio : Latinoamérica y el Caribe’ Junio 12, 2020
  • Zea L., Why do we do biological and microbiological research in space? NASA Ames Internship Program, July 15, 2020
  • Zea, L., Yuk! Sticky Bugs! Why NASA cares about biofilms in space, Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, February 22, 2020
  • Zea, L., Yuk! Sticky Bugs! Why NASA cares about biofilms in space, 26th Space Exploration Educators Conference, Space Center Houston, TX, February 7, 2020
  • Zea, L., Interdisciplinary Research Enabling Biomedical Studies in Space, Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology (IQ Biology) ‘Idea Exchanges’ – BioFrontiers Institute, CU Boulder, January 30, 2020
  • Zea, L., Performing Biological and Medical Research in Space – Why would you do that? Emergency Medicine Researchers – CU Anschutz Medical Campus, January 28, 2020
  • Zea, L., Exploring the effects of simulated microgravity on terrestrial biomining microorganisms for metal recovery from regolith simulant, Space Biomining Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 23-24, 2019
  • Zea, L., Colangelo, J., Forward, T., Space Biomining Project at CU, Space Biomining Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 23-24, 2019
  • Zea, L., Conducting Space Life Sciences Research in Space – Why and What, Bioastronautics Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 11, 2019
  • Zea, L., Space Biofilms – Joint CSA/ESA/JAXA/NASA Increment 61&62 Science Symposium, July 19, 2019
  • Zea, L., Considerations for Designing a Biological Spaceflight Experiment - Biofilm Research Case Scenarios, NASA Space Biofilms Workshop, Montana, July 18, 2019, Keynote Speech
  • Zea, L., Misiones a la Luna – Pasado, Presente, y Futuro, Conmemoración del 50 aniversario de Apoloo XI, Seguros Universales, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Junio 26, 2019
  • Zea, L., Life sciences investigations performed in space – what and why, CSIRO Floreat Seminar Series, Perth, Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), May 10, 2019
  • Zea, L., Pioneering New Frontiers – Conducting Space Life Sciences Research in Space, The Colorado Chautauqua National Historic Landmark, Boulder, CO, April 22, 2019
  • Zea, L., Why on Earth would someone do biology research off Earth (as in, in space)? Casa de la Esperanza, March 18, 2019, Longmont, CO
  • Zea, L., Thinking Outside the Globe – Using Microgravity to Find Novel Solutions to Medical Problems on Earth, February 23, 2019, 1st Central American Space Generation Workshop, San José, Costa Rica
  • Zea, L., Thinking Outside the Globe – Using Microgravity to Find Novel Solutions to Medical Problems on Earth, February 19, 2019, Engineers in Medicine Student Group, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Zea, L., Thinking Outside the Globe - Using Microgravity to Find Novel Solutions to Medical Problems on Earth, Aerospace Engineering Sciences Faculty Candidate Seminar, April 30, 2018
  • Zea, L., What happens when bacteria grow in microgravity? The story of an experiment performed on the International Space Station, Valencia Community College – Osceola Campus, April 3, 2018
  • Zea, L., On Scientific and Technical Publishing, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, May 3, 2018
  • Zea, L.,What happens when bacteria grow in microgravity? The story of an experiment performed onboard the International Space Station, The University of New South Wales School of Biotechnology and Bimolecular Sciences & Australian Centre for Astrobiology October 3, 2017
  • Zea, L., Past, Current and Future Space Applications in Latin America, Latin America and Caribbean Regional Seminar, Promoting disarmament and non-proliferation in Latin America and the Caribbean: relevance and challenges of the Hague Code of Conduct, Santiago de Chile, Chile, April 25, 2017
  • Zea, L., , Americas Roundtable, 32nd Space Symposium, Colorado Springs, USA, April 11, 2016
  • Zea, L., Bacterial Experiment returned from the International Space Station – Research Opportunity, BioFrontiers Science Shorts, University of Colorado, January 21, 2015
  • Zea, L., Space Life Sciences and Antibiotic Effectiveness in Space, HudsonAlpha Seminar, HudsonAlpha, Huntsville, AL, Oct 30, 2014
  • Zea, L., , Icelandic Academy of Sciences, University of Reykjavik, Iceland, August 11, 2014
  • Zea, L., , German Aerospace Center’s (DLR) Institute of Aerospace Medicine Seminar, Cologne, Germany, July 22, 2014
  • Zea, L., Characterization of Gravity’s Influence on Mass Transport Phenomena and its Impact on E. Coli’s Behavior and Susceptibility to Antibiotics, BioFrontiers Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder, February 13, 2013
  • Zea, L., Spaceflight Bacteria-related Phenomena and their Implications on Astronaut Health, Gravitational Biology Seminar, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany, May 8, 2014
  • Zea, L., Some of BioServe’s Flown Payloads to Space – From Cells to Mice, Astrobiology Seminar, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR, Cologne, Germany, May 28, 2014
  • Zea, L., Student European Low Gravity Research Association, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany, July 4, 2014

Magazines and Newsletters

  • España F., Zea, L., Ayerdi, V. La ciencia no debería ser un privilegio, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, July 27, 2019
  • Zea, L., Experimento de Guatemala llegará órbita lunar, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, July 20, 2019
  • Zea, L., Experimento biológico nacional en el cosmos, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, June 22, 2019
  • Zea, L. Todo lo que debe saber sobre la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI). Prensa Libre, Guatemala, April 21, 2018
  • Zea, L. ¡Despega un cohete de agua! Prensa Libre, Guatemala, Febrero 2018
  • Zea, L., Why do Bacteria Behave Differently in Space?, European Low Gravity Research Association (ELGRA) 2017 Newsletter
  • Zea, L., , Astronauts4Hire Newsletter, Issue 6, Summer 2014

Other Academic Activities

  • National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Math (NASEM),Steering Committee Member,
  • Guest Editor, , 'Life’ Journal
  • Associate Editor, , 'Frontiers in Space Technologies' Journal
  • Guest Editor, , 'Biofilm' Journal
  • Guest Associate Editor, , Frontiers in Space Technologies Journal
  • Member, Life Sciences & Systems Technical Committee, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA),2021 to date
  • Deputy Chair (2021), Member (2020-2021),NASA’s Beyond Lower Earth Orbit (BLEO) Working Group
  • Member, NASA’s GeneLab Microbial Working Group (2019-2021)
  • Co-Chair, NASA-Montana State University Biofilm Workshop, Bozeman, MT, 2019
  • Reviewer for Journals: MicrobiologyOpen, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Archives of Microbiology
  • Reviewer and/or Session Chair, s, 2014-2020
  • Reviewer for IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop, 2020
  • Faculty Adviser, Asociación Guatemalteca de Ingeniería y Ciencias Espaciales (AGICE),2021
  • Member, Journal Committee
  • Member,
  • Member, Biomedical Committee [2014-to date]
  • Member,
  • Member, International Space Station Utilization Committee,