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General Rules Contractor is required to comply with the University of Colorado's Sexual Harassment Policy, copy attached hereto and incorporated herein. Contractor's personnel must adhere to the University of Colorado policy and conduct themselves in a manner that does not constitute sexual harassment (as defined in the policy) as a result of interacting with and around the University of Colorado faculty, staff and students. Contractor is also required to inform each subcontractor of the University's policy prohibiting sexual harassment. 2. No smoking in any residence hall or apartment building spaces. This includes living and dining spaces, restrooms, circulation areas, attics, mechanical rooms, basements and/or crawl spaces. Any smoking is to be done outside the building and far enough away that smoke cannot enter windows or ventilation systems. 3. The Contractor is required to ensure that noise prior to the official start of work does not disrupt students. These noise concerns may include, but are not limited to, equipment warm up, radios and voice noise within the construction site that can be heard within the residence hall room or apartment, and the arrival of early morning deliveries of equipment, concrete, supplies, etc. Working Hours for occupied-building construction are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. The University may stipulate per bid and Request For Proposal (RFP) documents, the opportunity to work for extended periods of time. The hours established in the RFP/bid supersede this document. This will be standard unless specifically stated otherwise in the contract. Any request to work during additional hours must be made at least 72 hours in advance of the work and is subject to approval of the Project Manager.  University of Colorado at Boulder August 8, 2002 Department of Housing Revised September 17, 2002 4. No eating, drinking, music or radios are allowed outside designated construction areas in the residence hall building or apartment areas. Prior to the start of work, and with the approval of the University Project Manager, if space is available, one area may be designated for meal and coffee breaks. Eating and drinking in any other part of the facility are prohibited. Wrappers, cups and other trash shall be properly disposed of in receptacles after each break. No trash is to be left in the designated eating area. 5. The Contractor is not to use any of the building furnishings at any time for any reason. In the event furniture has to be moved for access, the contractor must notify the University Project Manager and return the furniture in good condition to its original location immediately after the work is done. 6. University provided security personnel will provide escort to any area outside the immediate construction site/work area. Special security arrangements must be made in advance, with the University Project Manager in order to enter these areas. 7. The Project Manager retains the right to require the Contractor to remove a worker from the project, if the Project Manager determines, in his/her sole discretion, that the worker violated a provision of the Agreement. The worker has the right to a meeting with the Project Manager and the Contractor at which time the Project Manager will inform the worker of the allegations made against him/her. The worker will be given the opportunity to present his/her response before a final decision is made. Security Requirements Security of housing facilities is of paramount concern. If keys are required, the contractor must sign for the keys at the beginning of each day and return them at the end of the same day. ONLY FOR MAJOR RENOVATIONS OR UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANSTANCES WILL KEYS BE GIVEN OUT FOR MORE THAN ONE DAY AT A TIME. When a contractor signs for a key, they take full responsibility for that key. A lost key may result in re-keying an entire building or complex, the cost of which will be charged to the contractor. Doors are not to be propped open at any time. Contractors working in a secured building are not to let anyone in. When leaving a facility at the end of a work day, the contractor must make sure that the construction site is secure.  University of Colorado at Boulder August 8, 2002 Department of Housing Revised September 17, 2002 Except for emergencies special security arrangements must be made at least 72 hours in advance, with the University Project Manager in order to enter any occupied residential space, including a student room or apartment, or remove anything from a students room or apartment. Special care is to be exercised when access is required into students rooms or apartments or any other area outside the construction site. The University Project Manager or their designee must be notified in advance of this need and University provided security personnel will provide escort for access to this space and ensure compliance with all University safety and security standards and regulations. Special security arrangements must be made with the University Project Manager in order to enter these areas. Should items need to be removed from a student occupied room or apartment the University Project Manager or his designee will assist with and /or oversee the removal and replacement of the item. Seventy-Two hour notice must be given prior to any work being started or removal of any items. All of the above rules pertaining to smoking, food and drink, furnishings and housekeeping apply when working in a students room or apartment. Furnishings shall not be used for construction purposes. Everything in a students room or apartment is a personal belonging and must be respected as such. The contractor is required to ensure that all personnel, including subcontractors and their personnel, wear University issued identification badges. Jackets and/or shirts with company names and logos are helpful but all workers are required to obtain and display the required University issued ID. All persons entering the construction site are required to check in and provide proper ID at the construction trailer or office before entering the project. 4. Contractor and University Project Manager are responsible to immediately respond to security and safety concerns, report to campus Police and notify owner for immediate response and action. Scheduling and Planning Weekly construction meetings will review contractors need to access residential space, approximate dates, locations, time periods and define specific space where contractors need access. University shall provide dates in which no construction shall take place. Contractor shall refer to General Rules, Section 3, when establishing their planning and scheduling of the project.  University of Colorado at Boulder August 8, 2002 Department of Housing Revised September 17, 2002 Communication The Project Architect and/or person responsible for weekly construction meeting minutes is required to record security, Fire Life Safety and Environmental Health & Safety, scheduling and student service concerns in the minutes. In addition, a separate meeting will be held periodically between the residents and Department of Housing during construction. The notes from these meetings shall also be attached to the weekly construction meeting minutes. It is the responsibility of the contractor to respond promptly to correct any identified security issues and provide the University Project Manager with an update regarding the status within 24 hours of notification. Weekly construction meetings will require the contractor to review all required residential access processes and shut down of utilities for upcoming work required. Contractor will be required to provide times, dates and location of work and what impact if any to the student residents. Appropriate security will be required and will need to be coordinated with the University Project Manager. The Contractor, Architect and University Project Manager shall all use their best efforts to inform all workers, subcontractors, deliverymen and anyone else coming on to the work site that matters about the project and related security issues should first be communicated to the Contractor's Superintendent. The Contractor's Superintendent should then only discuss the issues with the University Project Manager and/or his/her designate. Such communications should not be addressed to students or employees of the residence hall or apartment complex. The University Project Manager shall be responsible for communicating matters to the residence hall's or apartments staff, as necessary or appropriate. 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