2018 Fall Newsletter Published
ճ2018 Fall Newsletterhas been published and is available for viewing. The newsletter is packed with department news, alumni updates, and student and faculty articles.
- Bill Travis: Message from the Chair, pgs 2-3
- von Dreden Stacey Fellowship Winners, pgs 4-6
- Mark Serreze: Climate Change Becomes Persona (Non Grata), pgs 6-8
- Introducing Caitlin McShane, New Graduate Student, pgs 8-9
- Introducing Katherine Lininger, New Faculty Member, pg 10
- Seth Spielman’s “Double Life”, pg 11
- Mara Goldman: Examining Nature-Society Relations Across Boundaries, pgs 12-13
- A Career in Geography, Dr. Lionel D. Lyles, PhD, 1977, pgs 14-15
- Alumni Updates, pg 16
- Department News, pg 17
- Donor Support, pgs 18-19
All previousnewsletters are on ourNewsletters page.
For a more enjoyable reading experience, open the newsletter file and adjust your browser window to the same size as the newsletter page. The Table of Contents and other links are active within the document.