- Sarah Posner was awarded the NSF Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award (HEGS-DDRI) for her project, 'The Role of Local Institutions in Managing Pastoralists' Natural Resources and Related Conflict in Northern Kenya’.
- Kate Little has received the Injury and Violence Prevention Student Research Award from the Colorado School of Public Health for her project Understanding Drivers of Firearm Access Among Colorado American Indian Youth:
- Viviana is a Mapuche scholar from Southern Chile and a graduate student in the Geography doctoral program at CU-Boulder. In her previous work in Chile, Viviana has been exploring the production of landscapes through various forms
- Aŋpétu Wašté' Mitákuyepi (Good Day Relatives),My name is Shelby Ross, my Lakota name is Wanahca Oblaye Ska Win (White Prairie Flower Woman). I’m currently a Ph.D. candidate within the Geography Department at the University
- Sara Fleming is a second-year MA student in the Geography department working with Professor Jennifer Fluri. She is broadly interested in the intersection of housing crises, climate injustice, and financial
- Millie Spencer has been awarded the 2024-2025 Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship.She is currently doing field work in Concepción, Chile, analyzing glacier retreat and its impacts on downstream communities in south-central
- Fedor Popov was named the outstanding Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching - Teaching Assistant in 2023-2024
- Sarah Posner was named the outstanding Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching - Teaching Assistant in 2023-2024
- Doctoral candidate Phurwa Gurung was awarded a National Geographic Society Committeefor Research and Exploration grant to work together with local Dolpopa scholars to document endangered oralliterature in Dolpo, northwest Nepal.National
- Phurwa Gurung was awarded a Wenner Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant for hisdissertation project, “Reordering highland territories: State-building, indigeneity and multispeciesworldmaking in the Himalaya.” It will