
  • Morning mountain scene with pond and forest
    [anchors selector="#content h3" title="Updates from Alumni:" /]Gina Li (MA, 2019)In June 2019, Gina Li will be starting a job as a Geospatial Data Engineer at Descartes Labs in San Francisco, CA. Headquartered in
  • Soldier with rifle sitting, laughing next to children
    “You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time. If you're laughing, I defy you to be afraid,” Stephen Colbert, TV talk show hostIt was July 2006 in Kabul, Afghanistan, where tensions between locals and international armed forces were rising beyond
  • view of bridge over water
    中国制造: 亚洲基础设施和“中国模式”发展.After experiencing episodic but rather deep economic and political crises in the three decades following the 1949 Communist Revolution, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has experienced very dramatic economic expansion
  • Man and woman looking at Antarctic ice from deck of boat
    Thwaites - Jeff Goodell, a journalist from Rolling Stone Magazine, and Elizabeth Rush, a book writer from Brown University, have their breakfast coffee looking over the ice front of Thwaites ice shelf. The icebreaking research
  • Back end of truck with items laying on the ground
    April 26 is the last colloquium of the semester. It features three different graduating PhD students doing short presentations of their theses.Spaces of Diaspora Policy by Aaron Malone This paper
  • Digital Globe award
    Are you a junior or senior Geography major concentrating in GIScience, which includes GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, or Cartography? Planning to pursue a career in one of these areas? You could win a $5,
  • cherry tree in bloom with Jefferson Monument in background
    The American Association of Geographers annual meeting was held April 3-7, 2019, in Washington, DC. The conference hosted nearly 8,500 geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other registrants from around the
  • Snow covered mountain scene
    The Undergrad Snow Internship Program has been hosting undergraduates at the CU Mountain Research Station for over 20 years and includes alumni like Jen Morse and Noah Molotch, who help run the program today. The long-term data
  • Posters graphics
    Geography course enrollment is now open for Fall 2019! Many exciting Geography courses are available to you from our areas of focus: General GeographyPhysical GeographyEnvironment-SocietyHuman
  • link image
    Geography course enrollment is now open for Summer 2019! Exciting Geography courses are available to you: World Regional GeographyMountain GeographyIntroduction to Global Public HealthMigration, Immigrant
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