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Statement Regarding Law School Dean Search Committee

Read our latest statement regarding student representative on the search committee for the next Law School Dean from our President, Matt Vondrasek:

Dear Provost Moore,

I am writing to ask you to reconsider the makeup of the search committee for a new law school dean. The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) believes that having a 14 person search committee that only includes two students is not appropriate nor equitable. I have spoken to the law school Student Bar Association President Clarke Cooper and he agrees. I have every confidence that Taylor Schad and John Harrison will do their best to represent student interests. However, I fear their voices and their votes will be afterthoughts in the current search committee composition.

We are formally requesting that you add two students to the search committee for the next Colorado Law dean. I believe this change would more adequately represent the diverse interests, goals, and needs of law students. I would also encourage choosing to add students of diverse backgrounds that can help bring a voice to the table from groups that are chronically underrepresented in law schools and the legal community at large.

As a law student myself, I cannot be more proud of the work Dean Anaya has done to make Colorado Law more diverse, inclusive, and accessible for students from a wide variety of backgrounds. I hope that our requested changes can help build on that legacy and propel Colorado Law and the entire Colorado legal community into a more just and equitable world. I look forward to hearing from you soon.​

Very Sincerely,

Matthew Vondrasek (he/him/his)

President, Graduate and Professional Student Government

You can find a PDF version of the statement here.