International Visitor Information
- Receive email approval from the department chair.
- Visit the to ensure the dates your visitor will be on campus doesn't conflict with other GSLL events. (Also check the events page on the GSLL webpage.)
- If you have funding to pay for airfare:
- have the traveler purchase the airfare directly through . You will need to fill out the non-employee travel request form. You can find information on this form and a link on the . Give the traveler the speedtype for airfare expense and department number (10237), and cc Karen on your emails (Karen will most likely need to reconcile the airfare expense).
- book the travel yourself. You can find information on how to do this on the .
- Have the traveler pay for the airfare themselves and submit all travel receipts to you. You can then reqeust reimbursement after the trip using Travel Reimburesment Request form
- You will need for international travel for non-employees. See for additional approval needed if travel involves a "high-risk destination." University cannot pay for airfare for visitors coming with a tourist visa - see info above. Helpful hints when filling out travel pre-approval form: For request name, enter “non-employee, international, (traveler name)”, for Travel Business Purpose, select “Dual/multi Purposes,” for main destination city/country, list where visitor is coming from. In the comments, make it clear you are requesting approval for a non-employee. Include the full name here, what person will be doing and where visitor will be coming from (to Denver).
- for the Boulder per diem rate. If you take visitor out for meals, that meal rate will be subtracted from the daily per diem rate.
- Lodging: Several hotels in Boulder give a discounted "CU rate". See list of hotels . Note: hotels have a limited number of rooms available at the CU rate. If you don't have a travel card, tell them Karen will call with a travel card number when you make the reservation. Please send Karen the reservation confirmation including the total amount due, and a speedtype you want the lodging charged to. Airbnb can also be charged to a travel card.
- Room Reservation for Talk: Email Casey date, time and desired room capacity (also note if you need an AV or SMT room). Please let her know if you have any flexibility with the dates/times. Request a room reservation as soon as you know your event date.
- پDz: is required for events held in the UMC (and optional for events outside the UMC). You can contact UMC and order directly (ask Karen for speedtype to charge your order to). You should place your order with UMC at least two weeks in advance. Once you have ordered, send a copy of invoice to Karen. UMC will deliver food and pick up after event. If you decide to go with another caterer, you must use an approved caterer. (We’ve ordered sandwiches and continental breakfasts from Panera – they are good and deliver!). If you use an outside caterer, you are responsible for ensuring food, etc. is picked up after event. Note: some outside caterers (e.g.. Spice of Life) require you to sign a contract. All CU contracts must be reviewed and signed by the Procurement Center. Email the contract for approval/signature. All events in the UMC must be catered by UMC catering.
- Meals: If you are taking the visitor out to meals, use your P-card to pay for the meal. Alcohol cannot be paid for out of CU funds, so have any alcohol put on a separate bill. Faculty spouses/partners attending the meal should pay for themselves using a separate bill. You will need to submit itemized receipt and a list of everyone that attended event when you submit the p-card form.
- Advertising:
- CU-GSLL Events calendar
- Posters/Flyers: Our student workers can design a poster/flyer for you event. Please give at least a week to design the poster. Email information you would like included on the poster to Karen.
- GSLL email list serves
- If you cancel an event, make sure you have Karen or Casey cancel the event on the events calendar. Notify any email lists and/or students that you advertised the event with. Cancel the room reservation and put a note on the door on the day of the event noting that the event has been canceled.
Complete Honorarium Payments Form GSLL Visitors. Note: international visitors who are giving a talk remotely, should only need to submit materials required for domestic visitors. They will still be charged tax at the international rate of 30%. Note: if your visitor would like the honorarium/reimbursement via a wire transfer, have them complete and submit with Honorarium payments form. Wire transfers are only allowed if amount is over $500 and if visitor is international. There will be a $25 wire transfer fee - let Karen know what speedtype to use to pay the wire transfer fee.