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10 ways to manage and overcome test anxiety

Raise your hand if exams make you anxious   . Luckily there are strategies you can use to help tame your anxiety during quizzes, tests and exams.

What is test anxiety?

It’s normal to feel nervous about upcoming tests. 

However, if you experience overwhelming or debilitating levels of stress or anxiety before, during or after a test, you may have ‘test anxiety.’ 

Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety that can be triggered by high expectations, previous test outcomes, fear of failure, pressure to perform or perfectionism. This type of anxiety can be particularly problematic when it impacts your ability to study, make it to your exams or answer test questions. 

Test anxiety typically manifests as a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that can interfere with your ability to concentrate or perform well.  

Here are a few signs and symptoms to be aware of. 


  • Excessive sweating 
  • Nausea, vomiting or digestive issues 
  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Lightheaded or faint 
  • Headaches 
  • Panic attacks, which can feel like a heart attack 


  • Self-doubt, insecurity 
  • Fear, helplessness 
  • Hopelessness 
  • Feelings of inadequacy 
  • Anger or irritability 
  • Negative self-talk 
  • Racing thoughts 


  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Restlessness, fidgeting 
  • Procrastination, avoidance 
  • Frequently comparing yourself to others 
  • Difficulty sleeping 

If you experience any of these symptoms, you’re not alone.  

Here are some ways you can manage and overcome test anxiety. 

1. Get a head start

Start studying for your exams as early as possible. Test anxiety is often exacerbated when we feel underprepared or don’t know what to expect. Set yourself up for success by reaching out to your instructors, creating study guides, rereading class notes, reviewing presentations and practicing homework problems well in advance. 

2. Change the narrative

Negative self-talk may cause you to feel like you're trapped in a downward spiral, especially when you feel anxious. If this sounds like you, try to catch yourself in the moment and change the narrative. Take a few deep breaths and practice replacing negative thoughts with more productive ones. 

Here are some examples. 

Instead of saying…

  • I should have studied more; I don’t know what I’m doing.
  • I feel stupid.
  • have to do well or else XYZ will happen.

Say this…

  • I studied as best as I could for this exam, and it’s okay if I can’t answer every single question. 
  • I am smart and capable, even if my test results don’t reflect those qualities. 
  • I am doing my best, and if I don’t do as well as I want to, it’s not the end of the world. 

3. Prioritize taking care of yourself 

High anxiety can sometimes cause people to forget about other important things in life, like basic needs, hobbies, relationships and rest. As you prepare for exams, try to schedule times to study, eat, take breaks, spend time with friends and take care of your own mental health. This can help you avoid feeling burned out or completely drained when it comes time to sit down for your tests. 

4. Arrive early 

Running late can increase anxiety before you even make it to your exam. Instead of leaving at your usual time, set an alarm 10 to 15 minutes early, so you can arrive with plenty of time to spare. Getting there early means you may have more time to review your notes, prepare your materials and settle your mind before the exam starts. 

5. Use calming techniques 

If you’re feeling anxious before or during an exam, try practicing quick calming techniques to help you recenter and refocus. 

Here are two you can try that won’t take up too much time. 

Square breathing

This technique can help you slow your breathing and heart rate to ease anxiety.  

  1. Start by closing your eyes and focus on your breathing.  

  1. Gently inhale through your nose, counting to four.  

  1. Breathe out slowly, exhaling all your air while counting to four again.  

  1. Repeat this process as many times as you need to calm down.  

  1. As you start to feel better, open your eyes and return to your study session or exam. 

45-second body scan

This technique can help you stay present and calm racing thoughts.  

  1. Close your eyes and tune in to the sensations of your body.  

  1. Start at the bottoms of your feet, feeling the weight of your feet against your shoes.  

  1. Slowly move up your body by feeling the sensations of your legs, hips, back, abdomen, shoulders, neck, arms, hands and head.  

  1. When you’re done with your body scan, take a deep breath and return to your study session or exam. 

Practicing these techniques when you don’t need them will make them easier to use when you do. It can also help you determine which one suits you best. 

6. Avoid comparisons 

Looking at how others are doing around you can increase your anxiety, especially if you notice that you’re not as far along or that you’ve spent more time on a question compared to your classmates. That’s why it’s important to focus on your own work and progress. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, and it doesn’t matter what others are doing around you. You will make progress on your own terms. 

7. Set a timeline 

If you struggle with time management during exams, try to set a timeline. For instance, it can be helpful to review how much time you have to complete an exam and how many questions you’ll need to answer. 

This can help you plan out how much time you have per question. Keep in mind that some questions may come more easily than others. It’s also important to leave yourself enough time to complete written or long-form questions, which usually take longer than multiple choice questions. 

Remind yourself that it’s okay to skip questions if you feel like you’re running behind. You can always come back to them later. Just make sure to keep track of the question numbers on your scantron to avoid potential errors.  

8. Allow yourself to relinquish control 

Once you’ve submitted an exam, that’s it. 

Remind yourself that the outcome is now in your instructor’s hands and out of your control. Relinquish control over what you might have gotten wrong or problems you didn’t finish. Instead, allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief that the exam is over.  

9. Review your scores on your own terms 

Some people like to view their scores right away or talk about them in class. Others may prefer to review their grades privately or wait until they have a chance to calm down. Regardless of what others prefer, allow yourself to see how you did on your own terms. 

If you’re feeling anxious or worried about your test results, consider asking a close friend to review them for you. You can also ask them to share your results in a supportive and non-judgmental way. 

10. Use campus resources 

Campus resources are available to help you prepare for exams and get additional support for test anxiety. Here are a few to check out.  

Academic resources

Tutoring services

CU Boulder offers a wide variety of tutoring services. Some are specific to classes, departments or groups of students, while others are available campus-wide. Many of these services are free to use. If you’re not sure where to begin, try checking your syllabus or asking your instructor for help and referrals. 

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides free one-to-one tutoring sessions with professionally trained writing consultants, individualized guidance and feedback, and time-saving skills for writing and presentation projects. The Writing Center is free to all CU Boulder undergrad and graduate students. 

Disability Services

Disability Services provides students with disabilities reasonable academic accommodations, support and other services. They also offer free workshops that are open to all students. If you need help navigating test accommodations, Disability Services can help. 

Grade Replacement Program

This program allows degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students to retake a course in which they earned a low grade to improve their cumulative GPA. 

Wellness resources

Finals website

Check out the finals website for free events, tips, information about additional resources and more. 


Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) offers free workshops to help you prepare for finals, including:  

  • Anxiety Toolbox  
  • Feel Better Fast  
  • Skills for Thriving 

Let’s Talk

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides free drop-in consultations through Let’s Talk. Counselors are available in person at multiple campus locations to help provide insight, solutions and information about additional resources. 

Peer Wellness Coaching

Meet one-on-one with a trained peer wellness coach to get help creating a study plan, managing stress, practicing self-care and more. 


All students can schedule free telehealth counseling and psychiatry appointments online through AcademicLiveCare. 

Free Finals Week at the Rec

Physical activity is a great way to take a break from studying and manage stress. The Rec Center will be offering a variety of free activities during Free Finals Week. 

Figueroa Wellness Suite

The Wellness Suite is a great place to rest and reset. Whether you need a nap, want to pick up free health and wellness supplies, or if you just want to find a quiet place to study, the Wellness Suite provides a place to get away at the end of the year. 

Mental health crises

If you’re experiencing a possible mental health crisis or need urgent, same-day support, Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) is here to support you 24/7 over the phone at 303-492-2277. Calling ahead allows providers to triage your concerns so they can address them more quickly and effectively.